2018 World Series of Poker

Event #5: $100,000 No-Limit Hold’em High Roller
Day: 2
Event Info

2018 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
150,000 / 300,000

Gus Hansen is NOT a Ladies Man and Phil Hellmuth...

Level 15 : 25,000/50,000, 50,000 ante

In this episode of M8 D8 and R8 (mate - m8, date - d8 and rate r8) we find Gus Hansen is NOT a ladies man, well at least not for this Australian couple! Phil Hellmuth gets a pretty bad rating as a poker player, while Phil Ivey scores the top spot. Does Daniel Negreanu have a potential new date and Aussies Shane Warne and Gary Benson remain mates. Australians from the NPL join us in this fun packed game on a break at the WSOP 2018 at the RIO Las Vegas.

Tags: EnglishDanielle BenhamWSOP 2018M8D8R8888

Level: 16

Blinds: 30,000/60,000

Ante: 60,000

Koon vs. Vogelsang

Level 16 : 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante

Jason Koon opened to 135,000 from middle position, and Christoph Vogelsang called from the big blind.

The flop came down {A-Hearts}{Q-Clubs}{9-Clubs}, and Vogelsang check-called 120,000 from Koon.

The turn was the {Q-Diamonds}, and Vogelsang led for 155,000. Koon called.

The river was the {K-Diamonds}, Vogelsang bet 425,000, and Koon folded.

Player Chips Progress
Christoph Vogelsang de
Christoph Vogelsang
Jason Koon us
Jason Koon
WSOP 1X Winner
Run It Once

Tags: Jason KoonChristoph Vogelsang

Mateos Rivers a Flush

Level 16 : 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante
Adrian Mateos
Adrian Mateos

The board read {k-Clubs}{9-Clubs}{4-Hearts}{10-Spades} and it was blind vs blind with Paul Volpe betting 285,000 from the small blind. Adrian Mateos made the call from the big blind and the {5-Clubs} landed on the river.

Volpe moved in a bet of 520,000 just as his time clock was running out and Mateos tossed in a single chip to signify a call. Volpe tabled {9-Spades}{9-Hearts} for a set of nines but Mateos rivered a flush with {j-Clubs}{8-Clubs} to scoop the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Adrian Mateos es
Adrian Mateos
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 4X Winner
Paul Volpe us
Paul Volpe
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 3X Winner

Tags: Adrian MateosPaul Volpe

Fox Shoves on Mercier; Mateos Takes from Eiler

Level 16 : 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante

On a board of {7-Diamonds}{10-Hearts}{7-Clubs}{10-Spades}{j-Clubs} Jason Mercier bet 460,000 into 700,000 and Elio Fox moved all in. Mercier quickly folded.

On the neighbouring table, Adrian Mateos bet 515,000 on a {4-Clubs}{9-Hearts}{10-Clubs}{6-Hearts} board, and opponent Andreas Eiler called. The river was the {k-Clubs}. Mateos bet 1,225,000 and Eiler, after using one of his time bank chips, folded.

Player Chips Progress
Elio Fox us
Elio Fox
WSOP 2X Winner
Adrian Mateos es
Adrian Mateos
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 4X Winner
Andreas Eiler de
Andreas Eiler
Jason Mercier us
Jason Mercier
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 6X Winner

Tags: Adrian MateosElio FoxJason MercierAndreas Eiler

Rast Eliminated by Mercier

Level 16 : 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante
Brian Rast
Brian Rast

Elio Fox opened to 130,000 from under the gun, Jason Mercier three-bet jammed from the button for 915,000, and Brian Rast mulled it over for a bit before he called all in for 230,000 from the big blind. Fox folded.

Mercier showed {4-Clubs}{4-Spades}, ahead of Rast's {9-Diamonds}{2-Diamonds}.

The flop fell {5-Clubs}{4-Diamonds}{3-Diamonds}, giving Mercier a set of fours and Rast flush and straight draws.

The {2-Clubs} turn took some outs away from Rast, and the {J-Clubs} river officially ended his tournament.

Player Chips Progress
Elio Fox us
Elio Fox
WSOP 2X Winner
Jason Mercier us
Jason Mercier
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 6X Winner
Brian Rast us
Brian Rast
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 6X Winner
Poker Hall of Famer

Tags: Brian RastJason Mercier

Petrangelo Eliminates Marchese

Level 16 : 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante
Tom Marchese
Tom Marchese

The action folded to Nick Petrangelo who raised it up on the button. Tom Marchese was in the big blind and jammed all in for around 1,450,000. Petrangelo tanked for a minute before eventually making the call and the cards were on their backs.

Nick Petrangelo: {9-Clubs}{9-Diamonds}
Tom Marchese: {a-Hearts}{k-Diamonds}

The flop fell {9-Hearts}{8-Diamonds}{3-Spades} and Petrangelo flopped a set of nines to leave Marchese drawing dead. The insignificant {q-Hearts} and {6-Clubs} completed the board and Marchese was eliminated.

Player Chips Progress
Nick Petrangelo us
Nick Petrangelo
WSOP 2X Winner
Tom Marchese us
Tom Marchese
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Nick PetrangeloTom Marchese

More Chips for Moore

Level 16 : 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante

Fedor Holz raised to 145,000 in the small blind and Chris Moore called in the big blind. The two of them checked the {9-Spades}{2-Hearts}{9-Diamonds} flop and the turn was the {10-Hearts}. Holz bet 215,000 and Moore called.

The river was the {a-Diamonds}. Holz checked and allowed Moore to bet 250,000. Holz used up one time extension before calling. Moore showed {j-Clubs}{9-Clubs} and a seemingly surprised Holz mucked.

Player Chips Progress
Fedor Holz de
Fedor Holz
WSOP 1X Winner
Chris Moore us
Chris Moore

Tags: Chris MooreFedor Holz

Riess Runs Into Kings

Level 16 : 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante
Ryan Riess
Ryan Riess

Ryan Riess was in the cutoff and shoved all in for around 1,000,000 after using a time extension. Elio Fox was in the big blind and snap-called once the action was on him.

Elio Fox: {k-Spades}{k-Clubs}
Ryan Riess: {a-Clubs}{q-Clubs}

The flop came {k-Hearts}{8-Spades}{2-Clubs} and Fox took a commanding lead with a set of kings. Riess had backdoor draws to hit but the {7-Diamonds} on the turn ruined those hopes. The {q-Hearts} completed the board and Riess made a quick exit to the rail.

Play will now be hand-for-hand on the money bubble. The clock has been paused and two minutes will come off the clock after every hand.

Player Chips Progress
Elio Fox us
Elio Fox
WSOP 2X Winner
Ryan Riess us
Ryan Riess
WSOP Main Event Champion
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Elio FoxRyan Riess