2018 World Series of Poker

Event #5: $100,000 No-Limit Hold’em High Roller
Day: 1
Event Info

2018 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
150,000 / 300,000

Event #5: $100,000 No-Limit Hold’em High Roller

Day 1 Started

$100,000 No-Limit Hold'em High Roller Begins at 3 p.m.

2018 World Series of Poker Bracelet
2018 World Series of Poker Bracelet

Welcome to PokerNews' Day 1 coverage of Event #5: $100,000 No-Limit Hold'em High Roller.

It's only the third day of the 2018 World Series of Poker, but millions of dollars will be on the line as the only six-figure buy-in event of the WSOP summer kicks off later today at 3 p.m.

While officially considered a new event, this event is similar to the $111,111 High Roller for One Drop, which has run four times previously. With The Big One for One Drop - $1,000,000 No-Limit Hold'em set to close out the WSOP schedule in mid-July, this event is running without "The Big One" designation.

Still, a world-class field of poker's best is expected to take part in the action. Here are the previous winners of the past WSOP High Roller designated events:

YearBuy InEntriesPrize PoolChampionPrize
2013$111,111166$17,891,148Anthony Gregg$4,830,619
2015$111,111135$14,249,925Jonathan Duhamel$3,989,985
2016$111,111183$19,316,565Fedor Holz$4,981,775
2017$111,111130$13,722,150Doug Polk$3,686,865

Worth noting is that de facto defending champion Doug Polk is not expected to be in the field.

The Day 1 schedule calls for nine levels to be played with a 60-minute dinner break after Level 4. Players are allowed one re-entry, and registration remains open until the beginning of Level 12 on Day 2. Players begin with a starting stack of 500,000, the entire tournament will be played with a Shot Clock, and it will also implement a Big Blind Ante structure.

Here is a look at the structure for Day 1:

LevelSmall BlindBig BlindBig Blind Ante

As noted, cards will be in the air at 3 p.m., so keep it here at PokerNews starting then and throughout the day for live updates on all of the action as the quest to crown the next WSOP High Roller bracelet winner begins!

Level: 1

Blinds: 1,000/1,000

Ante: 1,000

Mateos Takes One Down Early

Level 1 : 1,000/1,000, 1,000 ante
Adrián Mateos
Adrián Mateos

Brandon Steven opened from the cutoff with a raise to 2,500. Adrian Mateos called on the button and Nick Petrangelo called as well from the big blind.

The flop was {Q-Clubs}{J-Spades}{3-Spades} and all three players checked to see the {5-Diamonds} on the turn. There, Petrangelo led out with a bet of 9,000. Steven quickly folded while Mateos thought for a bit, then called.

On the {6-Spades} river both players checked again.

"Ace high," Petrangelo said, waiting to reveal his {A-Clubs}{10-Hearts}. Mateos had that beat with {K-Hearts}{J-Diamonds} for second pair and he took down the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Adrian Mateos es
Adrian Mateos
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 4X Winner
Nick Petrangelo us
Nick Petrangelo
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: Adrian MateosBrandon StevenNick Petrangelo

Petrangelo Calls Down Steven

Level 1 : 1,000/1,000, 1,000 ante
Nick Petrangelo
Nick Petrangelo

Nick Petrangelo opened to 2,500 from early position and Brandon Steven flat-called on the button. Jake Schindler also came along from the big blind to see a flop of {k-Hearts}{q-Clubs}{9-Diamonds}. Schindler checked to Petrangelo who continued for 2,500 and Steven called. Schindler got out of the way as the {9-Spades} paired the board on the turn.

Petrangelo checked this time and Steven fired out a bet of 7,000. Petrangelo stuck around to see the {6-Diamonds} on the river and then checked again. Steven splashed in a bet of 27,000 and Petrangelo called as his time was running out. Steven just sent his cards to the muck and Petrangelo raked in the pot without having to show his cards.

Player Chips Progress
Nick Petrangelo us
Nick Petrangelo
WSOP 2X Winner
Brandon Steven us
Brandon Steven

Tags: Brandon StevenJacob SchindlerNick Petrangelo

Greenberg Drops One to Eibinger

Level 1 : 1,000/1,000, 1,000 ante
Larry Greenberg
Larry Greenberg

Action was on Larry Greenberg with right around 20,000 in the pot on a flop of {A-Clubs}{2-Diamonds}{2-Hearts}. Greenberg was first to act from the small blind and he put out a bet of 6,000. His opponent, Matthias Eibinger called.

The turn was the {2-Clubs} and Greenberg put out another bet, making it 12,000. Eibinger called once more.

On the {9-Clubs} river, both players checked.

"Six-high," Greenberg said without revealing his cards.

Eibinger then turned up {4-Clubs}{5-Clubs} for a rivered flush and he took down the pot.

"I had you beat until the river!" Greenberg said, laughing.

Player Chips Progress
Matthias Eibinger at
Matthias Eibinger
Larry Greenberg us
Larry Greenberg

Tags: Larry GreenbergMatthias Eibinger