2018 World Series of Poker

Event #11: $365 PLO GIANT Pot-Limit Omaha
Day: 1b
Event Info

2018 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
800,000 / 1,600,000

Cole Gets There on the River

Level 4 : 150/300, 0 ante

The board read {q-Spades}{a-Hearts}{8-Hearts} and action was checked to Scott Cole who bet 2,000 into a pot that was 3,350. The under-the-gun opponent check-raised pot which was 9,350 and Cole thought for a moment before deciding to jam the rest of his stack all in.

His opponent made the call for his remaining 24,000 and both players then revealed their hands. Cole tabled {7-Diamonds}{9-Hearts}{k-Hearts}{k-Clubs} for a pair of kings and a flush draw, His opponent tabled {8-Diamonds}{a-Clubs}{a-Diamonds}{j-Diamonds} for top set.

Cole would need some help and the turn did just that as the {10-Hearts} landed, giving him his flush. The river changed nothing as it came the {6-Hearts} and Cole scooped in the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Scott Cole us
Scott Cole

Tags: Scott Cole

Level: 4

Blinds: 150/300

Ante: 0

Cato Stacking Chips Early

Level 3 : 100/200, 0 ante
Eric Cote
Eric Cote

Upon walking by the table, it was evident that Eric Cato had an opponent all in for their remaining stack. The board read {2-Diamonds}{q-Diamonds}{7-Clubs}{q-Clubs}{j-Hearts} and Cato had {8-}{9-}{j-}{q-} face up for a full house and enough to beat his opponent's hand which was already in the muck.

Player Chips Progress
Eric Cato us
Eric Cato

Tags: Eric Cato

Stockfish Misses the Flush but River Still Improved Enough

Level 3 : 100/200, 0 ante

There was a raise of 700 by Daniel Smith from under the gun and the hijack stuck around. Jason Stockfish hopped on to see a flop as well from the big blind. The flop fell {q-Clubs}{10-Spades}{9-Spades} and action checked to Smith who then bet 1,500.

The hijack checked out and Stockfish called from the big blind to see the {a-Clubs} on the turn. Both players checked to the {6-Diamonds} on the river and then again to showdown, where Stockfish tabled {2-Diamonds}{k-Spades}{q-Spades}{6-Hearts} for two pair on the river. Smith tabled two kings and then mucked the rest of his hand as Stockfish pulled in the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Jason Stockfish us
Jason Stockfish

Tags: Jason StockfishDaniel Smith

Level: 3

Blinds: 100/200

Ante: 0

Cato Sticks Around with Cowboys

Level 2 : 50/100, 0 ante

The board read {q-Hearts}{q-Clubs}{3-Diamonds}{6-Clubs} and the player in the small blind bet 1,500 into a pot that was 3,000. Eric Cato made the call from the cutoff and the river came the {7-Diamonds}.

The small blind continued to fire with a bet of 4,000 and Cato thought for a few moments before throwing in a chip to signify a call. His opponent smiled and tabled {6-Diamonds}{7-Clubs} for two pair. Cato then showed {k-Clubs}{k-Spades}{3-Hearts}{5-Diamonds} for a higher two pair with his kings.

Player Chips Progress
Eric Cato us
Eric Cato

Tags: Eric Cato

Level: 2

Blinds: 50/100

Ante: 0

Silva Makes the Correct Read

Level 1 : 25/50, 0 ante

The hijack opened to 150 and Matt Silva announced pot from the cutoff for 525. The button and hijack both jumped in to see a flop of {j-Spades}{4-Clubs}{5-Clubs}. All three players checked to the {9-Clubs} that came on the turn.

Action checked to Silva who put bet 1,050 into the middle and got called by only the button. The river came the {4-Hearts} and Silva checked to the button who then reached to his stack and put out a bet of 2,700. Silva snap-called and his opponent then announced "good call" and mucked.

Silva tabled {10-Spades}{10-Hearts}{9-Clubs}{k-Spades} for two pair and a great call early on in the day.

Player Chips Progress
Matt Silva us
Matt Silva

Tags: Matt Silva

Use the PokerNews MyStack App To Keep Friends and Family Up-To-Date

Level 1 : 25/50, 0 ante
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Filkins Tries to get Sneaky

Level 1 : 25/50, 0 ante

There was a raise of 125 from the hijack and a caller from the button as Jeff Filkins decided to call from the small blind. The flop came {q-Clubs}{8-Hearts}{a-Hearts} and all three players checked.

The {q-Diamonds} came on the turn and Filkins check-called a bet of 300 from the hijack. The river came the {k-Spades} and both players checked. Filkins laughed and said, "I got it," then showed {a-Clubs}{q-Spades}{4-Spades}{5-Hearts} for a turned full house and an early pot for the day.

Player Chips Progress
Jeff Filkins us
Jeff Filkins

Tags: Jeff Filkins