Dwan's Fan Wins

"Can I hug you?" a big Tom Dwan fan just said as she stood side by side with her idol.
Dwan, who laughed, put his arm around the tiny girl who showed an even bigger smile as her boyfriend took a few quick photos.
"Sorry for disturbing you, but we wanted to get a photo before you're going back to Macau," the boyfriend said.
"This is one of the first times I've seen him smile on one of these photos," Aguiar said while laughing uncontrollably. "Usually I'm the one taking these photos and I charge $20, so you're lucky," Aguiar.
Aguiar recalled what had happened before we arrived and said, "Her boyfriend came up to Dwan and said that his girlfriend is a big fan, she was too shocked to say anything," Aguiar said with a big smile.
The atmosphere at the table remained very jovial as Dwan had a hard time not to laugh playing the next hand he was dealt.