2014 World Series of Poker

Event #61: $10,000 Seven-Card Stud Championship
Day: 3
Event Info

2014 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Level Info
50,000 / 100,000

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Level 23 : 20,000/40,000, 5,000 ante

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"I'm Easy, Kid"

Level 23 : 20,000/40,000, 5,000 ante
Phil Hellmuth
Phil Hellmuth

"They will not let me win a pot!" Phil Hellmuth blurted out after he brought in and James Obst raised. "Gentlemen, gentlemen, they will not let me win a pot!"

"I guess it'll have to be a big one," he added, before taking time to pause. "I love this game, boys."

Just as Hellmuth said that, one of the servers game by and asked Hellmuth if he was done eating. It looked like he had a half-eaten burrito on the tray behind him, and Hellmuth quickly turned around to make sure it wasn't taken. "No, no, no," he said. "I'll tell you when," he added with a smile.

Hellmuth then returned to play the next hand, on which he had the {10-Diamonds} showing. "This one I should win," he commented.

Hellmuth: {X-}{X-} / {10-Diamonds}{5-Spades}{6-Spades}fold
Obst: {X-}{X-} / {9-Clubs}{A-Hearts}{6-Diamonds}

On third street, Obst completed the bet, and Hellmuth raised, which is when he commented that he should win this hand. Action folded back to Obst, and he called.

"He doesn't want to fold the dead nines," Hellmuth said. "He wants to gamble."

Obst led with a bet on fourth street, Hellmuth called, and then Obst led again on fifth. Hellmuth began to tank, then folded.

"Nice hand," he said to Obst. "I'm easy right now, kid."

Tags: Phil HellmuthJames Obst

Obst Trips Up Grapenthien

Level 23 : 20,000/40,000, 5,000 ante

Matt Grapenthien: {x-}{x-} / {8-Spades}{k-Hearts}{10-Hearts}{8-Diamonds} / {x-}
James Obst: {x-}{x-} / {7-Diamonds}{3-Hearts}{4-Hearts}{6-Hearts} / {x-}

Grapenthien completed, Obst called, and the former led out on fourth street. Grapenthien led out again on fifth, and Obst meant to raise but he made a forward motion with only calling chips. He then tried to go back to his stack and put out a raise, but the floor ruled it a call.

Knowing Obst wanted to raise, Grapenthien check-called a bet on sixth, and both players checked on seventh. Grapenthien turned over the {k-Clubs} for kings and eights, but Obst had him beat with {10-Spades}{3-Diamonds}{3-Clubs} for trip threes.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of James Obst au
James Obst
WSOP 2X Winner
Run It Once
Profile photo of Matt Grapenthien us
Matt Grapenthien
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: James ObstMatt Grapenthien

Landfish Doubles

Level 23 : 20,000/40,000, 5,000 ante
Steve Landfish
Steve Landfish

Steve Landfish: {x-}{x-} / {6-Spades}{5-Clubs}{j-Diamonds}{5-Diamonds} / {x-}
James Obst: {x-}{x-} / {4-Diamonds}{7-Clubs}{9-Clubs}{3-Hearts} / {x-}

Phil Hellmuth brought it in with the {2-Hearts}, Landfish completed, and Obst raised. Only Landfish called.

Obst led out on fourth street, Landfish called, and Land fish made a better board on fifth. He led out, the Aussie raised, and Landfish raised all in for less than three bets. Obst called.

Landfish: {6-Diamonds}{2-Diamonds}
Obst: {a-Diamonds}{10-Hearts}

Obst turned over a meaningless {8-Hearts} on seventh, and just for kicks and giggles Landfish made two pair with {5-Diamonds}.

Landfish doubled to 410,000, while Obst fell to 505,000.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of James Obst au
James Obst
WSOP 2X Winner
Run It Once
Profile photo of Steve Landfish us
Steve Landfish

Tags: James ObstSteve LandfishPhil Hellmuth

Level: 23

Limits: 20,000/40,000

Ante: 5,000

Henrik Hecklen Eliminated in 7th Place ($38,073)

Level 22 : 15,000/30,000, 3,000 ante
Henrik Hecklen - 7th Place
Henrik Hecklen - 7th Place

Henrick Hecklen: {A-Clubs}{2-Diamonds} / {7-Hearts}{8-Diamonds}{K-Hearts}{7-Clubs} / {4-Spades}
Phil Hellmuth: {X-}{X-} / {7-Diamonds}fold
Matt Grapenthien: {X-}{X-} / {8-Hearts}{7-Spades}fold
Todd Brunson: {10-Hearts}{3-Clubs} / {10-Diamonds}{8-Clubs}{Q-Spades}{6-Spades} / {J-Spades}

Hecklen was all in on third street for 8,000. Hellmuth called, Grapenthien completed to 15,000, Brunson raised, and then Hellmuth folded. On fourth street, Brunson bet, and Grapenthien folded.

This left Brunson and his pair of tens up against the at-risk Hecklen, who had just ace high at the time. Although Hecklen paired up with sevens on sixth street, he was unable to find anything to help him beat Brunson's pair of tens on seventh, and he was eliminated in seventh place for just over $38,000.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Henrik Hecklen dk
Henrik Hecklen

Big Pot for Obst

Level 22 : 15,000/30,000, 3,000 ante
James Obst
James Obst

Ben Yu: {x-}{x-} / {5-Diamonds}{4-Spades}{6-Hearts}{3-Spades} / {x-}
Steve Landfish: {x-}{x-} / {7-Clubs}{k-Hearts}{5-Clubs}{3-Clubs} / {x-}
James Obst: {x-}{x-} / {2-Clubs}{7-Diamonds}{3-Hearts}{9-Spades} / {x-}

Obst brought it in, Yu completed, and both Landfish and Obst called. The action checked to Yu on fourth street, and he tossed out a bet. Landfish called, Obst check-raised, and both Yu and Landfish called.

"Go ahead," Landfish told Obst on fifth, and the Aussie tossed out a bet.

Yu and Landfish called, and the trio all checked on sixth. Landfish checked again on seventh, Obst bet, and Yu tanked for nearly two minutes before folding.

"Raise," Landfish said the second Yu's hand hit the muck, and Obst made the call.

Landfish turned over {10-Spades}{7-Hearts}{6-Spades} for a pair of sevens, and Obst revealed three queens; {q-Spades}{q-Hearts}{q-Clubs}.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of James Obst au
James Obst
WSOP 2X Winner
Run It Once
Profile photo of Ben Yu us
Ben Yu
WSOP 4X Winner
Profile photo of Steve Landfish us
Steve Landfish

Tags: Ben YuJames ObstSteve Landfish