2014 World Series of Poker

Event #57: The $1,000,000 Big One for One Drop
Day: 2
Event Info

2014 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
800,000 / 1,600,000

Level: 18

Blinds: 150,000/300,000

Ante: 50,000

Secondary Table Hand #96: Salomon on a Tear

Level 18 : 150,000/300,000, 50,000 ante

Hand #96: Tom Hall opened to 750,000 from the cutoff and Rick Salomon called from the small blind. The two took a flop of {4-Diamonds}{K-Clubs}{2-Diamonds} and Salomon checked. Hall continued for 1 million and Hall stuck around.

The turn was the {7-Clubs} and both players checked to see the {Q-Spades} drop down on the river. Salomon checked for a third time, Hall fired 2 million and Salomon quickly flung out a call.

Hall instantly flung his hand into the muck and Salomon showed {Q-Hearts}{10-Diamonds} for a rivered pair of queens. He's now up to 24.1 million while Hall has fallen to 15.28 million.

Player Chips Progress
Rick Salomon us
Rick Salomon
Tom Hall gb
Tom Hall

Tags: Brandon HallTom HallRick Salomon

Feature Table Hands #74-77: Esfandiari Climbing Back

Level 18 : 150,000/300,000, 50,000 ante
Antonio Esfandiari
Antonio Esfandiari

Hand #74: Daniel Negreanu raised to 650,000 from the hijack seat to kick off this hand. Paul Newey reraised all in from the small blind for 5.675 million, and Negreanu folded after a little over a minute in the tank.

Hand #75: Negreanu raised from under the gun, and everyone folded.

Hand #76: Scott Seiver raised to 675,000 from the hijack seat. Antonio Esfandiari reraised from the button to 1.605 million, and everyone folded.

Hand #77: Tobias Reinkemeier raised to 650,000 from the cutoff seat, and Esfandiari called on the button to see the flop come out {Q-Diamonds}{4-Diamonds}{3-Diamonds}. Reinkemeier bet 650,000, and Esfandiari called.

On the turn, the dealer added the {A-Spades} to the board. Reinkemeier took his time before betting 1.2 million. Esfandiari called, and the pot grew to 5.75 million in chips.

The {9-Hearts} completed the board on the river, and Reinkemeier checked. Esfandiari reached for chips and slid forward 2.025 million. Reinkemeier tanked, and tanked he did for a couple minutes before folding.

Player Chips Progress
Antonio Esfandiari us
Antonio Esfandiari
WSOP 3X Winner
Daniel Colman us
Daniel Colman
WSOP 1X Winner
Daniel Negreanu ca
Daniel Negreanu
Scott Seiver us
Scott Seiver
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 7X Winner
Tobias Reinkemeier de
Tobias Reinkemeier
Paul Newey gb
Paul Newey

Tags: Antonio EsfandiariDaniel NegreanuPaul NeweyScott SeiverTobias Reinkemeier

Secondary Table Hands #97-101: Some Smaller Pots

Level 18 : 150,000/300,000, 50,000 ante

Hand #97: Rick Salomon raised to 625,000 on the button and Christoph Vogelsang three-bet from the small blind. Salomon flashed an ace and folded.

Hand #98: Brandon Steven raised to 600,000 under the gun and he won the blinds and antes.

Hand #99: Cary Katz raised to 660,000 from the small blind and he won the blinds and antes.

Hand #100: Rick Salomon received a walk in the big blind.

Hand #101: From the cutoff Cary Katz raised to 615,000 and Christoph Vogelsang called from the big blind. The flop came down {J-Hearts}{3-Clubs}{K-Clubs} and both played checked. The turn was the {5-Clubs} and again the action was checked. On the river the {4-Diamonds} popped up and Vogelsang lead out for 350,000. Katz called right away and Vogelsang showed {Q-Diamonds}{J-Clubs} to rake in this pot.

Tags: Brandon StevenCary KatzChristoph VogelsangRick Salomon

Feature Table Hands #78-80: Limpin' Ain't Easy

Level 18 : 150,000/300,000, 50,000 ante

Hand #78: Daniel Negreanu limped in on the button, Daniel Colman completed from the small blind, and Scott Seiver checked in the big blind. The flop came {q-Spades}{7-Clubs}{q-Hearts}. Both players in the blinds checked, Negreanu bet 400,000, and Seiver called.

Both players checked on the turn ({4-Clubs}), and the {8-Spades} completed the board. Seiver led out for 800,000, Negreanu called, and Seiver won the pot with {9-Spades}{8-Diamonds}.

Hand #79: Colman limped in on the button, Seiver completed from the small blind, and Paul Newey checked in the big blind. The dealer fanned {q-Spades}{6-Clubs}{3-Spades}, Seiver checked, and Newey led out for 800,000. No one called the Brit's bet.

Hand #80: Negreanu raised to 650,000 in the hijack, Tobias Reinkemeier defended his big blind, and the flop was {5-Hearts}{k-Diamonds}{a-Spades}. Reinkemeier checked, Negreanu continued for 800,000, and Reinkemeier called.

The turn was a repeat five - the {5-Diamonds} - and both players checked. The {9-Diamonds} fell on the river, Reinkemeier checked, and Negreanu bet 1.1 million. The German tanked for the better part of two minutes before folding.

Player Chips Progress
Antonio Esfandiari us
Antonio Esfandiari
WSOP 3X Winner
Daniel Colman us
Daniel Colman
WSOP 1X Winner
Scott Seiver us
Scott Seiver
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 7X Winner
Daniel Negreanu ca
Daniel Negreanu
Paul Newey gb
Paul Newey
Tobias Reinkemeier de
Tobias Reinkemeier

Tags: Daniel ColmanDaniel NegreanuPaul NeweyTobias ReinkemeierScott Seiver

Secondary Table Hands #103-106: Pace Slowing

Level 18 : 150,000/300,000, 50,000 ante

Hand #103: Brandon Steven limped from under the gun and Christoph Vogelsang did the same from the button. Cary Katz checked his big blind and the three saw {3-Diamonds}{Q-Spades}{9-Hearts} fall. The trio of players checked and the {5-Diamonds} fell on the turn. Katz checked, Steven fired 500,000 Vogelsang folded, and Katz called.

The river was the {8-Diamonds} and Katz checked again. Steven moved 750,000 forward and Katz let it go.

Hand #104: Action folded to Katz in the small blind and he raised to 700,000. Steven folded his small blind and Katz won the pot.

Hand #105: Steven completed his small blind and Rick Salomon checked the big blind. The flop came {5-Spades}{Q-Clubs}{7-Spades} and both players checked. The {2-Hearts} fell on the turn and Steven check-called 300,000. The {J-Spades} on the river prompted two checks and Steven showed {K-Spades}{4-Spades} for a winning spade flush.

Hand #106: Steven raised to 600,000 from the button and took down the blinds and antes.

Tags: Brandon StevenCary KatzChristoph VogelsangMichael KatzRick Salomon

Feature Table Hand #81: Full House for Reinkemeier

Level 18 : 150,000/300,000, 50,000 ante

Hand #81: Daniel Negreanu raised from under the gun to 650,000. Action folded to Tobias Reinkemeier in the small blind, and he called.

The flop came down {10-Clubs}{8-Spades}{5-Hearts}, and both players checked through to the {J-Diamonds} turn. Reinkemeier bet 800,000, and Negreanu called.

The river was the {10-Hearts}, and Reinkemeier bet 2.25 million after a long thought process. Negreanu called, but didn't like what he saw when Reinkemeier rolled over the {J-Spades}{10-Spades} for a full house. Negreanu mucked.

Player Chips Progress
Antonio Esfandiari us
Antonio Esfandiari
WSOP 3X Winner
Daniel Colman us
Daniel Colman
WSOP 1X Winner
Scott Seiver us
Scott Seiver
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 7X Winner
Tobias Reinkemeier de
Tobias Reinkemeier
Paul Newey gb
Paul Newey
Daniel Negreanu ca
Daniel Negreanu

Tags: Tobias ReinkemeierDaniel Negreanu

Secondary Table Hands #107-111: Salomon Stays Active

Level 18 : 150,000/300,000, 50,000 ante

Hand #107: Rick Salomon raised to 625,000 and he took down the pot.

Hand #108: Brandon Steven raised to 600,000 under the gun and Cary Katz called in the big blind. The flop came down {A-Hearts}{4-Spades}{3-Clubs} and Katz check-folded to Steven's 500,000-chip bet.

Hand #109: Brandon Steven received a walk.

Hand #110: Tom Hall limped from the cutoff, Cary Katz called on the button and both blinds stayed in the pot as well. The flop came down {5-Clubs}{2-Hearts}{9-Hearts} and all four players checked. The turn was the {3-Hearts} and the action was checked to Hall who bet 500,000 and Salomon called. The river was the {K-Hearts} and both players checked. Salomon showed {5-Spades}{6-Clubs} and that was not enough against Hall's {A-Diamonds}{4-Clubs}.

Hand #111: Rick Salomon raised from the small blind and folded when Christoph Vogelsang three-bet to 1.4 million from the small blind.

Player Chips Progress
Rick Salomon us
Rick Salomon

Tags: Brandon StevenCary KatzChristoph VogelsangRick SalomonTom Hall

Feature Table Hands #82-83: Negreanu Strikes Back

Level 18 : 150,000/300,000, 50,000 ante
Daniel Negreanu
Daniel Negreanu

Hand #82: Daniel Colman raised to 650,000 from under the gun, winning the blinds and antes.

Hand #83: Antonio Esfandiari limped in on the button, Daniel Negreanu completed from the small blind, and Colman checked in the big blind. All three players checked on a flop of {7-Hearts}{7-Spades}{9-Hearts}, the turn was the {2-Spades}, and Negreanu led out for 550,000. Colman raised to 1.275 million, Esfandiari folded, and Negreanu reraised to two million even. Colman called.

The {8-Hearts} completed the board, bringing both straight and flush possibilities, and Negreanu tanked for a minute before checking. Colman quickly checked behind, and Negreanu won with {j-Hearts}{10-Clubs} for a straight.

Player Chips Progress
Antonio Esfandiari us
Antonio Esfandiari
WSOP 3X Winner
Daniel Colman us
Daniel Colman
WSOP 1X Winner
Scott Seiver us
Scott Seiver
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 7X Winner
Tobias Reinkemeier de
Tobias Reinkemeier
Daniel Negreanu ca
Daniel Negreanu
Paul Newey gb
Paul Newey

Tags: Antonio EsfandiariDaniel ColmanDaniel Negreanu

Secondary Table Hands #112-115: Vogelsang Doubles, Cripples Steven

Level 18 : 150,000/300,000, 50,000 ante
Christoph Vogelsang Doubles
Christoph Vogelsang Doubles

Hand #112: Rick Salomon received a walk in the big blind.

Hand #113: Christoph Vogelsang made it 600,000 from the button and Cary Katz called from the big blind. The flop came down {7-Hearts}{K-Diamonds}{Q-Clubs} and both players checked to see the {6-Diamonds} fall on the turn. Two more checks allowed the board to complete with the {2-Clubs} and Katz checked for a third time. Vogelsang fired 400,000 and Katz let it go.

Hand #114: Brandon Steven received a walk in the big blind.

Hand #115: Vogelsang was under the gun and raised to 625,000. Action folded to Steven in the small blind and he three-bet shipped all in. Action came back to Vogelsang and he called for his own tournament life of 7.155 million.

Vogelsang: {9-Hearts}{9-Spades}
Steven: {A-Hearts}{K-Spades}

The flop came down {2-Diamonds}{5-Hearts}{5-Clubs}, keeping Vogelsang's pocket nines in the lead. Steven cried for an ace or a king on the turn, but it was instead the {Q-Clubs}.

"We have one more pull at it," said Steven. "Come on! Ace or king!"

The {Q-Diamonds} ultimately hit the river, allowing Vogelsang to score a huge double up to around 14.9 million. Steven, on the other hand, has been crippled to just 490,000.

Player Chips Progress
Christoph Vogelsang de
Christoph Vogelsang
Brandon Steven us
Brandon Steven

Tags: Brandon StevenCary KatzChristoph VogelsangRick Salomon