2014 World Series of Poker

Event #57: The $1,000,000 Big One for One Drop
Day: 3
Event Info

2014 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
800,000 / 1,600,000

Hand #30-34: Colman Doubles, Cripples Reinkemeier

Level 22 : 400,000/800,000, 100,000 ante
Daniel Colman Doubles
Daniel Colman Doubles

Hand #30: Christoph Vogelsang opened to 1.6 million from under the gun and took down the blinds and antes.

Hand #31: Daniel Colman raised to 1.6 million from under the gun and won the blinds and antes.

Hand #32: Colman received a walk in the big blind. He showed {7-Hearts}{7-Spades}.

Hand #33: Rick Salomon moved all in from the cutoff for 11.3 million. Vogelsang folded his button and the blinds followed suit, allowing Salomon to take down the pot.

Hand #34: Colman popped it up to 1.6 million from the button and Tobias Reinkemeier shoved all in for 15.475 million effective. It folded back to Colman and he called for his tournament life.

Colman: {A-Spades}{A-Clubs}
Reinkemeier: {5-Diamonds}{5-Clubs}

The flop came down {10-Hearts}{Q-Hearts}{4-Diamonds}, keeping Colman out in front with his pocket aces. Reinkemeier found no help on the turn ({4-Clubs}) or the river ({3-Diamonds}) and Colman was able to score the double up.

Tags: Christoph VogelsangDaniel ColmanRick SalomonTobias Reinkemeier

Scott Seiver Eliminated in 6th Place ($1,680,000)

Level 22 : 400,000/800,000, 100,000 ante
Scott Seiver - 6th Place
Scott Seiver - 6th Place

Hand #35: Daniel Negreanu raised to 1.6 million out of the small blind, Scott Seiver called on his direct left, and the flop fell {9-Diamonds}{j-Diamonds}{10-Spades}. Negreanu checked, Seiver fired out what looked like two million, and Negreanu quickly check-raised all in. Seiver quickly called all in for 10.375 million.

Negreanu: {j-Hearts}{3-Spades}
Seiver: {10-Diamonds}{5-Diamonds}

The {a-Spades} on the turn was no help to Seiver, nor was the {4-Spades} on the river, and he was eliminated in sixth place.

Player Chips Progress
Scott Seiver us
Scott Seiver
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 7X Winner

Tags: Daniel NegreanuScott Seiver

Tobias Reinkemeier Eliminated in 5th Place ($2,053,334)

Level 22 : 400,000/800,000, 100,000 ante
Tobias Reinkemeier - 5th Place
Tobias Reinkemeier - 5th Place

Hand #36: Christoph Vogelsang raised to 1.6 million from under the gun only to have Daniel Colman cut out a three-bet to 3.6 million from the next seat over. Vogelsang folded to the three-bet and Colman took down the pot.

Hand #37: Action folded to Rick Salomon in the small blind and he shipped all in for 11.9 million. Vogelsang folded the big blind and Salomon took it down.

Hand #38: Colman received a walk in the big blind.

Hand #39: Negreanu was under-the-gun and opened to 1.6 million. Vogelsang flatted from the button and Tobias Reinkemeier called all in for 1.075 million from the big blind.

The trio saw a flop of {7-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds}{8-Diamonds} and Negreanu took the lead into the side pot for 2.5 million. Vogelsang let it go and the hands were turned over.

Negreanu: {Q-Diamonds}{10-Diamonds}
Reinkemeier: {J-Spades}{8-Spades}

Negreanu had a death grip on the hand with a flopped diamond flush against Reinkemeier's pair of eights. The {K-Hearts} dropped down on the turn, leaving Reinkemeier drawing dead to the {6-Clubs} river. Negreanu scored another elimination and Reinkemeier was eliminated in fifth place for $2,053,334.

Tags: Christoph VogelsangDaniel ColmanDaniel NegreanuRick SalomonTobias Reinkemeier

Rick Salomon Eliminated in 4th Place ($2,800,000)

Level 22 : 400,000/800,000, 100,000 ante
Rick Salomon - 4th Place
Rick Salomon - 4th Place

Hand #40: With a dead small blind, Rick Salomon moved all in for 12.9 million out of the hijack seat. Daniel Colman called on the button, and Daniel Negreanu surrendered his big blind.

Salomon: {8-Diamonds}{8-Clubs}
Colman: {a-Clubs}{10-Hearts}

There was a ten in the window of the flop, and a second followed it as the dealer fanned {10-Spades}{3-Hearts}{10-Clubs}. Colman's rail exploded into a chorus of cheers.

The turn had three sides, but the {7-Diamonds} was a brick, as was the {q-Clubs} on the river.

Salomon, who was the chip leader entering the day, was eliminated in fourth place, earning an even $2.8 million, and Colman has just under 50 million chips.

Player Chips Progress
Rick Salomon us
Rick Salomon

Tags: Daniel ColmanDaniel NegreanuRick Salomon