He has 6-6, for a set of 6's. 70000
I had 5-5 on button with 1 limper in front of me. I limp SB and BB limp. Flop is 6-5-2. 2 diamonds. Checks to me, I bet 5k. SB folds, other 2 call. Turn is 10c. Check to me I bet 17k, BB shoves I call
Jus lost monster pot set over set for 150k pot. Bleh. Still got play. Time to build it back up.
2nd in chips right now. Unfortunately chip leader is at my table and on my left. At least he is from MI:)
End of level 13. Avg chips is 60k. 20 min break. Then 1k-2k-300.
Just won big pot K-K vs A-K all in pre. I opened for 3500 he piled 40k in I called.
Just lost decent pot with A-Q with top pair on a 3 club board. Probably should have folded to river bet. 20 BB's.