2014 World Series of Poker

Event #44: $1,500 No-Limit Hold'em
Day: 2
Event Info

2014 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
80,000 / 160,000
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109,000 10,000
Table 445Seat 3
43,000 27,000
Table 444Seat 5

Just lost decent pot with A-Q with top pair on a 3 club board. Probably should have folded to river bet. 20 BB's.

107,200 43,900
Table 440Seat 4
99,000 12,000
Table 445Seat 3

He has 6-6, for a set of 6's. 70000


I had 5-5 on button with 1 limper in front of me. I limp SB and BB limp. Flop is 6-5-2. 2 diamonds. Checks to me, I bet 5k. SB folds, other 2 call. Turn is 10c. Check to me I bet 17k, BB shoves I call

70,000 75,500

Jus lost monster pot set over set for 150k pot. Bleh. Still got play. Time to build it back up.

52,500 32,000
87,000 19,900
Table 445Seat 3
37,600 4,800
Table 429Seat 7
47,500 8,000
Table 436Seat 5
20,500 1,800
39,500 7,800
Table 436Seat 5

2nd in chips right now. Unfortunately chip leader is at my table and on my left. At least he is from MI:)

67,100 15,900
Table 445Seat 3
145,500 3,500
Table 444Seat 5

End of level 13. Avg chips is 60k. 20 min break. Then 1k-2k-300.

32,800 2,300
Table 429Seat 7
96,000 41,000
Table 429Seat 4
Brandon Ageloff photo
110,000 28,800
30,500 26,200
Table 429Seat 7
142,000 44,000
Table 444Seat 5

Just won big pot K-K vs A-K all in pre. I opened for 3500 he piled 40k in I called.