Level: 27
Limits: 50,000/100,000
Ante: 10,000
Level: 27
Limits: 50,000/100,000
Ante: 10,000
John Racener managed to notch two doubles and made it to the dinner break. The final three agreed to cut the break in half, so cards will be back in the air in 30 minutes.
Player | Chips | Progress |
George Danzer |
385,000 |
Calvin Anderson |
-570,000 |
John Racener |
340,000 |
Danzer: /
Racener: /
John Racener check-called a bet from George Danzer on fourth street and then called a bet when his German foe took the lead on fifth. The action repeated itself on sixth, and then Danzer bet a final time on seventh. Racener called with trip threes, and that is when controversy erupted.
Danzer, thinking he was beat by the trips, picked up his cards and looked at them. At that point he realized that he had a flush and tabled his cards. "Oh sorry, I had a flush," an apologetic Danzer said.
Racener believed that Danzer's hand was dead once he picked up his cards. The floor at the ESPN main stage said that wasn't the case as Danzer didn't release his hand, he merely picked up his cards and looked at them. Racener was not content, so a second floor was called, who agreed with the ruling.
Racener plead his case and requested the ruling be revisited. At this point the staff decided to get tournament director Jack Effel on the phone, who confirmed the ruling.
"If a player picks up his cards at the showdown, it plays as long as he's not facing a bet," the initial floor explained to the crowd over the microphone. With that, Danzer was awarded the pot.
Player | Chips | Progress |
George Danzer |
380,000 |
John Racener |
-340,000 |
John Racener completed with the and Calvin Anderson called with the . Both players checked fourth, Anderson bet fifth, and Racener called. Both players returned to checking on sixth and then Anderson check-folded to a bet on seventh, but not before showing his cards.
Racener: / /
Anderson: /
Player | Chips | Progress |
Calvin Anderson |
-130,000 |
John Racener |
120,000 |
Calvin Anderson completed with the and then called when George Danzer raised with his . Danzer then called bets from Anderson on fourth and fifth streets, but folded to one on sixth.
Anderson: /
Danzer: / fold
Player | Chips | Progress |
Calvin Anderson |
300,000 |
George Danzer |
-200,000 |
John Racener brought it in for 10,000 with the and then called when Calvin Anderson completed with the . Racener then check-called a bet on fourth before both players checked it down.
Anderson: /
Racener: /
Anderson showed aces, but it was no good as Racener held trip fours.
Player | Chips | Progress |
Calvin Anderson |
100,000 |
George Danzer |
-130,000 |
John Racener |
55,000 |
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George Danzer check-called a bet from Calvin Anderson on fourth street, and then did the same on fifth and sixth. Danzer checked on seventh and then folded to a final bet from Anderson.
Danzer: / /
Anderson: / /
Player | Chips | Progress |
George Danzer |
-630,000 |
Calvin Anderson |
420,000 |
We picked up the action on fifth when George Danzer checked, John Racener bet, and Calvin Anderson called. Danzer came along and then the action repeated itself on sixth. Dazner checked on seventh, Racener decided to do the same, and then both players called a bet from Anderson.
Racener: /
Danzer: / /
Anderson: /
Anderson had a flush for the high, Racener an 8-7-6-4-2 low, and those two chopped up Danzer's chips.
Player | Chips | Progress |
George Danzer |
-370,000 |
Calvin Anderson |
110,000 |
John Racener |
140,000 |
John Racener completed with the and George Danzer called with his . Danzer then called bets on both fourth and fifth streets, and then led out when he took the lead on sixth. Racener called and then both players checked seventh.
Racener: / /
Danzer: /
Danzer tabled two pair and Racener mucked.
Player | Chips | Progress |
George Danzer |
490,000 |
John Racener |
-270,000 |