2014 World Series of Poker

Event #15: $3,000 Six-Handed No-Limit Hold'em
Day: 3
Event Info

2014 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
60,000 / 120,000

Hands #61-65: Vayo Doubles Through Kitai

Level 27 : 20,000/40,000, 5,000 ante

Hand #61: Gordon Vayo moved all in and Davidi Kitai asked for a count of his stack. The dealer obliged and informed Kitai it was for 618,000. Armed with this information Kitai decided to call.

Kitai showed {K-Spades}{9-Clubs} and was against the {Q-Clubs}{10-Hearts} of Vayo. The final board read {8-Clubs}{3-Hearts}{3-Clubs}{A-Clubs}{10-Clubs} and Vayo won the pot and doubled up.

Hand #62: Tony Ruberto raised to 100,000 from the button and Kitai went into the tank for close to a minute before emerging with a raise to 225,000 from the big blind. Ruberto moved all-in, Kitai grimaced and mucked his hand.

Hand #63: Kitai’s raise to 85,000 from the button went uncalled.

Hand #64: It was heads up to the {K-Clubs}{Q-Spades}{A-Diamonds} and both Ruberto and Kitai checked, which is what happened on the {6-Spades} turn. Ruberto lead out for 75,000 on the {9-Hearts} river and then called when Kitai raised to 230,000.

Kitai took the pot down with his {9-Diamonds}{6-Clubs}.

Hand #65: Ruberto raised to 85,000 from the button and Kitai responded with a three-bet to 265,000. Vayo folded but Ruberto called.

The dealer put the {4-Spades}{8-Clubs}{6-Diamonds} flop into view, Kitai bet 225,000 and Ruberto called. The turn was the {J-Hearts} and Kitai moved all-in prompting a quick fold from Ruberto.

Tags: Davidi KitaiGordon VayoTony Ruberto