Hands 67-71

Level 32
: 80,000/160,000, 20,000 ante
Hand 67: Benny Chen raises to 375,00 in the small blind and folds to Jonathan Grey's four bet.
Hand 68: Dan Kelly opens to 350,000 in the hijack and Justin Liberto defends his big blind.
The flop falls and Liberto check-folds to Kelly's contination bet of 400,000.
Hand 69: Michael Bennington raises to 325,000 in the hijack and is called by Benny Chen in the cutoff.
They check to the river of a where Chen takes it down with a bet of 425,000.
Hand 70: Michael Bennington opens to 400,000 under the gun and Justin Liberto calls on the button.
The flop falls and Bennington shoves for 3.115 million, which results in a fold from Liberto.
Hand 71: Liberto takes it with a raise to 320,000 from the cutoff.