2013 World Series of Poker

Event #52: $25,000 No-Limit Hold'em (Six Handed)
Day: 3
Event Info

2013 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Level Info
60,000 / 120,000

A Five-Bet Shove on the Fourth Hand

Level 23 : 20,000/40,000, 5,000 ante
Stephen Chidwick
Stephen Chidwick

Hand #1: With a dead button, Stephen Chidwick raised to 80,000 in the cutoff, and took down the blinds and antes.

Hand #2: Steve Sung raised to 105,000 on the button, winning the blinds and antes.

Hand #3: Phil Galfond raised to 85,000 out of the hijack seat, and received no callers.

Hand #4: Dani Stern opened to 80,000 on the button, Chidwick three-bet to 215,000 out of the big blind, and Stern responded with a four-bet, making it 460,000 to go. Chidwick moved all in for 2.09 million, and Stern folded.

Tags: Dani SternPhil GalfondStephen ChidwickSteve Sung

Galfond and Chidwick Battle Twice

Level 23 : 20,000/40,000, 5,000 ante

Hand #5: Stephen Chidwick completed from the small blind, Phil Galfond checked his option, and the flop came down {9-Clubs}{6-Spades}{j-Diamonds}. Chidwick led out for 60,000, Galfond called, and the turn brought the {2-Spades}. Chidwick slowed down, checking to Galfond who fired out 90,000. Chidwick folded.

Hand #6: Max Lehmanski was first to act, and he raised to 90,000. No one called.

Hand #7: The action folded to Galfond, who raised to 80,000 on the button. Both blinds released, and Galfond picked up the pot.

Hand #8: Chidwick raised to 90,000 in the hijack seat, Galfond three-bet to 225,000 on his direct left, and the action folded back to Chidwick, who called. The dealer spread {7-Hearts}{5-Diamonds}{4-Hearts}, both players checked, and the turn was the {3-Clubs}. Chidwick checked again, Galfond bet 245,000, and Chidwick check-raised to 575,000. Galfond tanked for two minutes before calling.

The {j-Hearts} completed the board, both players checked, and Galfond took down the pot with {a-}{k-}.

Tags: Phil GalfondStephen ChidwickMax Lehmanski

Two Walks, Two Flops

Level 23 : 20,000/40,000, 5,000 ante

Hand #9: A short-stacked Richard Lyndaker received a walk.

Hand #10: Phil Galfond was first to act, and he raised to 90,000. No one called.

Hand #11: Galfond received a walk.

Hand #12: Max Lehmanski opened to 90,000 from under the gun. Dani Stern called on his direct left, the rest of the players folded, and the dealer fanned {10-Clubs}{7-Clubs}{8-Hearts}. Both players checked, and the turn brought the {5-Spades}. Lehmanski led out for 130,000, Stern called, and the {4-Diamonds} completed the board. Lehmanski knuckled once again, Stern fired out 245,000, and Lehmanski folded.

Hand #13: Galfond min-raised to 80,000 on the button, Lehmanski defended from the big blind, and the German checked when the flop fell {k-Spades}{q-Clubs}{4-Hearts}. Galfond continued for 90,000, and Lehmanski folded.

Hand #14: Galfond raised to 80,000 in the cutoff, Steve Sung called on the button, and Stern three-bet to 330,000 out of the big blind. Both Galfond and Sung folded.

Tags: Dani SternMax LehmanskiPhil GalfondRichard LyndakerSteve Sung

Misstep For Galfond; Chidwick Doubles

Level 23 : 20,000/40,000, 5,000 ante
Stephen Chidwick doubles
Stephen Chidwick doubles

Hand #15: Stephen Chidwick was first to act, and raised to 80,000. Max Lehmanski three-bet to 190,000 on the button, and the action folded back to Chidwick, who folded as well.

Hand #16: Steve Sung raised to 105,000 in the hijack seat, Chidwick defended his big blind, and the flop came {k-Diamonds}{5-Hearts}{j-Hearts}. Chidwick checked, Sung continued for 150,000, and Chidwick called. The turn brought the {4-Diamonds}, Chidwick checked a second time, and Sung fired out 375,000. Chidwick folded.

Hand #17: Dani Stern raised to 90,000 in the cutoff seat, Chidwick three-bet to 225,000 out of the small blind, and Phil Galfond moved all in from the big blind. Stern quickly folded, and Chidwick snap-called for 1.24 million.

Galfond: {9-Hearts}{8-Hearts}
Chidwick: {k-Clubs}{k-Hearts}

Chidwick was in great shape to double, and remained ahead when the flop fell {8-Diamonds}{q-Spades}{3-Hearts}. Galfond did pick up two backdoor draws, however, as back-to-back hearts or back-to-back straight cards could eliminate Chidwick.

The {a-Clubs} on the turn was a brick, and a meaningless {2-Hearts} completed the board, doubling Chidwick to 2.6 million chips.

Galfond still has more chips than when the official final table began.

Hand #18: Lehmanski raised to 90,000 from under the gun, Stern three-bet to 205,000 on his direct left, and Sung cold four-bet to 500,000 out of the big blind. Both Lehmanski and Stern folded.

Tags: Dani SternMax LehmanskiPhil GalfondStephen ChidwickSteve Sung

Level: 24

Blinds: 25,000/50,000

Ante: 5,000

Lyndaker Open-Shoves

Level 24 : 25,000/50,000, 5,000 ante

Hand #19: Richard Lyndaker moved all in from the hijack, winning the blinds and antes.

Hand #20: Phil Galfond raised to 100,000 in the cutoff, Dani Stern defended his big blind, and the flop fell {4-Spades}{a-Diamonds}{q-Hearts}. Both players checked. The turn was the {6-Clubs}, the two checked again, and the {7-Diamonds} completed the board. Stern check-called a bet of 110,000 from Galfond, then mucked when Galfond showed {q-Spades}{10-Hearts} for a pair of queens.

Hand #21: Stephen Chidwick raised to 100,000 from under the gun, Stern three-bet to 300,000 out of the small blind, and Chidwick called. The flop fell {8-Diamonds}{a-Hearts}{10-Spades}, Stern led out for 230,000, and Chidwick folded.

Hand #22: Galfond was first to act, and raised to 100,000. Max Lehmanski three-bet to 260,000 in the cutoff, and the action folded back to Galfond, who tanked for two minutes before calling. The flop came {8-Spades}{3-Diamonds}{9-Hearts}, Galfond immediately checked, Lehmanski fired out 215,000

Tags: Dani SternMax LehmanskiPhil GalfondRichard LyndakerStephen Chidwick