2013 World Series of Poker

Event #44: $3,000 No-Limit Hold'em
Day: 3
Event Info

2013 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Sandeep Pulusani
Winning Hand
Event Info
Level Info
50,000 / 100,000

Hands #156-160: Pulusani Continues to Apply Pressure

Level 30 : 40,000/80,000, 10,000 ante

Hand #156: Niall Farrell raised to 160,000 and Sandeep Pulusani reraised to 400,000. Farrell folded and Pulusani won.

Hand #157: Pulusani raised to 160,000 and Farrell made the call. Farrell check-folded to Pulusani's bet of 160,000 on the {k-Diamonds}{4-Diamonds}{a-Hearts} flop.

Hand #158: Farrell folded to Pulusani.

Hand #159: Pulusani raised to 160,000 and Farrell folded.

Hand #160: Farrell folded to Pulusani.

Tags: Niall FarrellSandeep Pulusani

Hands #151-155 Pulusani Loses Some, Then Gets It Back

Level 30 : 40,000/80,000, 10,000 ante

Hand #151- Sandeep Pulusani raised to 160,000, and Niall Farrell made the call. The flop came down {7-Hearts}{2-Spades}{8-Clubs}, and Farrell fired out 160,000. Pulusani fired out a raise of 500,000, and it was back to Farrell. He thought for about 30 seconds before moving all in, and Pulusani immediately folded.

Hand #152- Farrell folded his hand, giving Pulusani a walk.

Hand #153- Pulusani made it 160,000 to go from the button, and Farrell made the call. The flop came {8-Diamonds}{8-Hearts}{a-Spades}, and Farrell checked to Pulusani, who fired out 160,000. Farrell tagged along to see the {9-Clubs}, and both players checked. The {j-Spades} hit the river, and Farrell checked one more time. Pulusani bet out 450,000, and Farrell quickly folded.

Hand #154- Farrell raised to 160,000, and Pulusani reraised to 400,000. Farrell folded his hand, and Pulusani took down another one.

Hand #155- Pulusani made it 160,000 to go, and he took down the pot.

Tags: Niall FarrellSandeep Pulusani

Hands #146-150: Farrell Starting To Fight Back

Level 30 : 40,000/80,000, 10,000 ante

Hand #146: Niall Farrell raised 160,000 and Sandeep Pulusani folded.

Hand #147: Pulusani raised to 160,000 and Farrell made the call. Farrell checked the {2-Clubs}{2-Hearts}{6-Hearts} flop and Pulusani bet 160,000. Farrell made the call and the led for 295,000 on the {9-Spades} turn. Pulusani made the call and the {8-Clubs} river was dealt. Farrell checked and Pulusani bet 360,000. Farrell called and Pulusani won with {a-Clubs}{6-Spades}.

Hand #148: Farrell raised to 160,000 and Pulusani reraised to 400,000. Farrell reraised all in and Pulusani folded.

Hand #149: Pulusani raised to 160,000 and Farrell reraised to 380,000. Pulusani folded and Farrell took the pot.

Hand #150: Farrell raised to 160,000 and Pulusani folded.

Tags: Niall FarrellSandeep Pulusani

Hands #141-145 Pulusani Continues to Chip Away

Level 30 : 40,000/80,000, 10,000 ante

Hand #141- Sandeep Pulusani made it 160,000 to go, and Niall Farrell moved all in. Pulusani folded his hand, and Farrell collected the pot.

Hand #142- Farrell made it 160,000 from the button, and Pulusani moved all in. Farrell folded, and Pulusani took down the hand.

Hand #143- Pulusani made it 160,000 to go, and he took down the blinds and antes.

Hand #144- Farrell changed it up and called from the button this time, and Pulusani raised it to 240,000. Farrell folded, and Pulusani took down the pot.

Hand #145- Pulusani made it 160,000 to go, and Farrell made the call from the big blind. The flop ran down {k-Diamonds}{j-Spades}{8-Clubs}, and Farrell check folded to a bet of 160,000 from Pulusani.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Niall Farrell gb
Niall Farrell
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of Sandeep Pulusani us
Sandeep Pulusani
WSOP 2X Winner

Hands #136-140: Pulusani Dominating Play So Far

Level 30 : 40,000/80,000, 10,000 ante

Hand #136: Farrell raised to 160,000 and Pulusani reraised all in. Farrell folded to the pressure.

Hand #137: Pulusani raised to 160,000 and Farrell reraised to 380,000. Pulusani made the call and Farrell bet 345,000 on the {9-Clubs}{a-Clubs}{a-Hearts} flop. Pulusani folded and Farrel claimed the pot.

Hand #138: Pulusani received a walk.

Hand #139: Pulusani raised to 160,000 and Farrell made the call. Farrell check-folded to Pulusani's 160,000 bet on the {3-Clubs}{j-Spades}{3-Hearts} flop.

Hand #140: Pulusani received a walk.

Tags: Niall FarrellSandeep Pulusani

Hands #132-136 Pulusani Crawling Back In

Level 30 : 40,000/80,000, 10,000 ante

Hand #132- Sandeep Pulusani raised to 120,000 on the button, and Niall Farrell reraised it to 275,000. Pulusani moved all in, and Farrell quickly folded his hand.

Hand #133- Farrell made it 160,000 to go from the button, and Pulusani made the call. The flop came down {8-Hearts}{2-Diamonds}{j-Diamonds}, and Pulusani checked to Farrell, who bet out 145,000. Pulusani folded his hand, and the pot was pushed to Farrell.

Hand #134- Pulusani made it 160,000 to go from the button, and Farrell called from the big blind. The dealer fanned out a flop of {j-Diamonds}{7-Spades}{q-Hearts}, and Farrell checked to Pulusani, who bet out 160,000. Farrell tossed in the call, and the turn brought the {4-Clubs}. Farrell checked again, and this time, Pulusani fired out 300,000. Farrell folded his hand, and he took down another pot.

Hand #135- Farrell made it 160,000 to go from the button, and Pulusani moved all in, Farrell folded, and another pot was sent over to his opponent.

Hand #136- Pulusani made it 160,000 from the button, and Farrell folded.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Niall Farrell gb
Niall Farrell
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of Sandeep Pulusani us
Sandeep Pulusani
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: Sandeep PulusaniNiall Farrell

Level: 30

Blinds: 40,000/80,000

Ante: 10,000

Hand #126-131: Pulusani Gaining A Little Ground

Level 29 : 30,000/60,000, 10,000 ante

Hand #126: Sandeep Pulusani raised 120,000 and Niall Farrell called. Farrell checked out on the {a-Diamonds}{6-Clubs}{a-Hearts} flop.

Hand #127: Farrell raised to 120,000 and Pulusani reraised to 280,000. Farrell folded and Pulusani raked the pot.

Hand #128: Pulusani raised to 120,000 and Farrell folded.

Hand #129: Farrell raised to 120,000 and Pulusani moved all in prompting Farrell to fold.

Hand #130: Pulusani raised to 120,000 and Farrell called. Farrell check-called Pulusani's bet of 120,000 on {j-Clubs}{10-Clubs}{4-Clubs} flop. Both players checked the {6-Clubs} turn. Farrell checked {10-Hearts} river and Pulusani checked behind. Farrell showed {q-Diamonds}{10-Spades} for trip tens and the pot.

Hand #131: Farrell raised to 120,000 and Pulusani folded.

Tags: Niall FarrellSandeep Pulusani