2013 World Series of Poker

Event #37: $5,000 Limit Hold'em
Day: 3
Event Info

2013 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
50,000 / 100,000

Hands 276-299

Level 27 : 40,000/80,000, 0 ante

Hand #276: Gabriel Nassif raised the button to 80,000 and Michael Moore called from the big blind. The {q-Clubs}{2-Spades}{a-Clubs} flop saw Moore check-call a bet from Nassif, which brought about the {6-Hearts} turn. It went check-check to the {4-Clubs} river at which point Moore bet 80,000 and Nassif folded.

Hand #277: Nassif received a walk.

Hand #278: Moore received a walk.

Hand #279: Moore raised to 80,000 and won the pot.

Hand #280: Nassif raised to 80,000 and won the pot.

Hand #281: Moore raised to 80,000, Nassif called and the flop came down {9-Clubs}{k-Hearts}{7-Hearts}. Nassif checked, Moore bet and Nassif sprung to life with a check-raise. Moore folded as Nassif showed {k-}{7-} for two pair.

Hand #282: Nassif raised to 80,000, Moore called and the flop fell {5-Hearts}{8-Diamonds}{q-Clubs}. Moore check-called a bet, the {6-Hearts} turned and Moore check-raised to 160,000 after Nassif bet 80,000. The call was made and the {10-Diamonds} completed the board on the river. Moore bet and Nassif called. Moore flipped over the {q-Hearts}{10-Hearts} for two pair and it was good as Nassif mucked.

Hand #283: Nassif received a walk.

Hand #284: Nassif raised and Moore folded.

Hand #285: Nassif received a walk.

Hand #286: Nassif raised to 80,000, Moore called and the flop came out {3-Spades}{9-Diamonds}{5-Hearts}. Both players checked to the {10-Spades} turn and Moore bet 80,000. Nassif raised to 160,000, Moore called and the {8-Diamonds} completed the board on the river. Moore check-called a bet of 80,000 and mucked when Nassif tabled the {5-Clubs}{5-Diamonds} for trips.

Hand #287: Moore raised the button and Nassif folded.

Hand #288: Nassif raised to 80,000, Moore called and the flop fell {3-Clubs}{7-Diamonds}{k-Clubs}. Moore check-called a bet of 40,000, the {K-Spades} turned and Moore check-called a bet of 80,000. Moore bet 80,000 on the {K-Diamonds} river and Nassif folded.

Hand #289: Moore raised the button and Nassif folded.

Hand #290: Nassif opened for 80,000, Moore three-bet and Nassif called. The {2-Diamonds}{j-Clubs}{3-Clubs} flop saw Moore bet, Nassif call and the dealer burn and turn the {2-Hearts}. Moore bet and Nassif folded.

Hand #291: Moore folded the button.

Hand #292: Moore raised the button to 80,000, Moore called and the flop came down {a-Diamonds}{j-Diamonds}{6-Spades}. Moore check-called a bet, the {5-Diamonds} turned and Moore check-folded.

Hand #293: Moore raised to 80,000, Nassif called and the flop fell {6-Diamonds}{5-Hearts}{4-Spades}. Nassif check-called a bet from Moore and the {4-Diamonds} turned. Both players checked and the {J-Diamonds} completed the board on the river. Again they checked and Moore's {q-}{7-} was beat by Nassif's {k-}{3-}.

Hand #294: Nassif raised, Moore called and the flop came down {3-Diamonds}{5-Clubs}{2-Hearts}. Moore check-called a bet, the {A-Diamonds} turned and Moore check-folded to a bet from Nassif.

Hand #295: Moore raised to 80,000, Nassif called and the flop fell [qohqh9c]. Nassif checked and then folded when Moore bet 80,000 from the button.

Hand #296: Nassif raised the button and Moore folded.

Hand #297: Moore raised, Nassif called and the two saw a flop of {4-Diamonds}{3-Hearts}{10-Diamonds}. Nassif checked, Moore bet and Nassif check-raised. Moore folded.

Hand #298: Moore got a walk.

Hand #299: Moore raised to 80,000 and received a call from Nassif. The {4-Diamonds}{5-Clubs}{j-Hearts} flop saw Nassif check and Moore bet 40,000. Nassif popped it to 80,000, Moore made it 120,000 and Nassif called, bringing about the {Q-Spades} turn. Nassif checked, Moore bet 80,000 and Nassif called. The {4-Spades} brought a check-call from Nassif and he mucked when Moore rolled over the {q-Clubs}{j-Diamonds}.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Michael Moore us
Michael Moore
Profile photo of Gabriel Nassif fr
Gabriel Nassif

Tags: Gabriel NassifMichael Moore