2013 World Series of Poker

Event #36: $1,500 No-Limit Hold'em Shootout
Day: 3
Event Info

2013 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
15,000 / 30,000

Jan Kropacek Eliminated in 7th Place ($38,621)

Level 5 : 10,000/20,000, 3,000 ante
Jan Kropacek
Jan Kropacek

Hand #78: Tobias Wenker opened to 40,000. Action folded to Jan Kropacek in the cutoff who moved all in. Andrew Kloc moved all in over the top when action was on him. Wenker quickly folded and the two men went to showdown.

Kloc: {10-Spades}{10-Diamonds}
Kropacek: {8-Clubs}{8-Spades}

The board ran out {2-Hearts}{4-Spades}{9-Spades}{3-Diamonds}{A-Clubs} and Kropacek never improved, thus he was eliminated from the tournament in 7th place, but not without collecting $38,621 for his efforts.

All Preflop Action

Level 5 : 10,000/20,000, 3,000 ante

Hand #74: Mike Watson opened to 40,000. Andrew Kloc in the next seat over reraised to 114,000. Action folded back around to Watson who folded and Kloc was awarded the pot.

Hand #75: From the button Tobias Wenker opened and was able to take down the blinds and antes when the two blind players folded.

Hand #76: Under the gun Mike Watson opened to 40,000. Action folded to Wenker who reraised to 92,000 from the cutoff. Watson folded once again and Wenker won the pot.

Hand #77: On the button Jan Kropacek opened to 40,000. From the big blind Watson moved all in. Kropacek quickly folded and Watson was awarded the pot.

Salman Behbehani Eliminated in 8th Place ($29,771)

Level 5 : 10,000/20,000, 3,000 ante
Salman Behbehani - 8th place
Salman Behbehani - 8th place

Hand #73: Jake Schwartz opened with a raise to 40,000 only to have Salman Behbehani move all in for 327,000 with Schwartz making the call.

Schwartz: {A-Spades}{Q-Diamonds}
Behbehani: {K-Hearts}{K-Diamonds}

With Behbehani in the lead, the {J-Clubs}{5-Hearts}{7-Clubs} flop kept it that way, but when the {A-Diamonds} landed on the turn, Schwartz's rail exploded with cheers before the {5-Spades} completed the board on the river.

For Behbehani's efforts, he takes home $29,771 for his 8th place finish

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Jake Schwartz us
Jake Schwartz
Profile photo of Salman Behbehani us
Salman Behbehani

Tags: Salman BehbehaniJake Schwartz

Trips for Kloc

Level 5 : 10,000/20,000, 3,000 ante

Hand #69: The action folded round to Jan Kropacek in the small blind and he limped in as Simeon Naydenov checked. The flop fell {J-Diamonds}{A-Hearts}{K-Clubs} and Kropacek bet out to force a fold from Naydenov.

Hand #70: Tobias Wenker opened to 40,000 and Mike Watson three-bet to 105,000 from the large blind. Wenker released and Watson scooped the pot.

Hand #71 Jake Schwartz bumped it up to 40,000 from the lo-jack and Simeon Naydenov made the call from the button, as did Mike Watson from the small and Andrew Kloc from the big.

The flop fell down {6-Hearts}{9-Hearts}{6-Clubs} and the action was checked through to see the {10-Clubs} on the turn. The action checked round once again as the {J-Clubs} completed the board on the river.

Kloc led out for 62,000 and only Naydenov made the call, but then would be forced to muck at the sight of Kloc's {6-Spades}{3-Hearts} for trips.

Hand #72: Jan Kropacek opened to 40,000 and won the blinds and antes.

Tags: Andrew KlocJake SchwartzJan KropacekMike WatsonSimeon NaydenovTobias Wenker

Walks With Aces

Level 5 : 10,000/20,000, 3,000 ante

Hand #65 Jake Schwartz raised under the gun and collected the blinds and antes without a contest.

Hand #66: Jake Schwartz received a walk in the big blind. He showed {A-}{A-}

Hand #67: Mike Watson raised to 45,000, action folded to Tobias Wenker on the button who raised to 115,000. Wenker collected the raise, blinds, and antes when Watson folded.

Hand #68: Barbero raised to 40,000 from the hijack seat. Everyone folded and Barbero collected the pot.

Naydenov Doubles with Aces

Level 5 : 10,000/20,000, 3,000 ante
Simeon Naydenov
Simeon Naydenov

Hand #63:: Tobias Wenker opened to 40,000 and picked up the blinds and antes.

Hand #64: Jan Kropacek opened to 40,000 from the hi-jack only to have Simeon Naydenov three-bet to 110,000. Kropacek made the call as the dealer spread a {Q-Hearts}{6-Diamonds}{5-Hearts} flop with Kropacek checking to Naydenov.

Naydenov pushed out a 115,000-chip bet and Kropacek made the call to see the {2-Diamonds} land on the turn. Kropacek checked and Naydenov bet out 180,000 only to have Kropacek move all-in. Naydenov instantly made the call for his 607,000 and the cards were tabled.

Naydenov: {A-Diamonds}{A-Hearts}
Kropacek: {9-Diamonds}{7-Diamonds}

With Naydenov needing to fade a diamond or an eight, the river would fall the {5-Clubs} to see Naydenov double up to 1.7 million as Kropacek slips to 420,000 in chips.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Simeon Naydenov bg
Simeon Naydenov
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of Jan Kropacek cz
Jan Kropacek

Tags: Jan KropacekSimeon Naydenov

Behbehani Shoves

Level 5 : 10,000/20,000, 3,000 ante

Hand #58: Simeon Naydenov opened the pot with a raise to 40,000 and he collected the blinds and antes.

Hand #59: Jan Kropacek opened to 40,000 from under the gun. He got one call from Mike Watson from middle position. The flop came down {7-Clubs}{a-Hearts}{K-Clubs} and Kropacek fired out 37,000. Watson called to see the {7-Diamonds} on the turn. On that turn Kropacek bet out 78,000 and Watson released, giving the pot to Kropacek.

Hand #60: From the cutoff, Tobias Wenker opened to 40,000. From the small blind Salman Behbehani moved all. Wenker released his hand and Behbehani was awarded the pot.

Hand #61: Jake Schwartz was in the cutoff and he opened to 40,000. Both the button and the blinds folded and Schwartz took down the pot.

Hand #62: From under the gun Andrew Kloc raised to 43,000. Everyone folded and Kloc took the pot.

Level: 5

Blinds: 10,000/20,000

Ante: 3,000