Weiss Shoves Every Hand Since the Break

Roy Weiss has started to move all in on every hand he has played so far since the break. Here's how the last few hands have panned out
Hand 224: Taylor Paur opened from the button, Roy Weiss moved all in and Paur folded.
Hand 225: Weiss open-shoved the button and Paur folded.
Hand 226: Paur opened, Weiss moved all in instantly and Paur shook his head and mucked.
Hand 227: Weiss pushed all-in and Paur folded. Weiss is up to 2,000,000 chips now.
Hand 228: A raise from Paur was greeted with an instant all in bet from Weiss and fold from Paur.
Hand 229: Weiss open-shoved yet again and Paur folded.
"Are you even looking at your cards? I can see your eyes open but are you looking?"
Paur seems to be getting restless, as is his rail.
Hand 230: Paur opened, Weiss moved all in and Paur folded.
Hand 231: Weiss open shoved and Paur folded.