2012 World Series of Poker

Event 61: $10,000 No-Limit Hold'em Main Event
Day: 2ab
Event Info

2012 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
1,000,000 / 2,000,000

Level: 9

Blinds: 500/1,000

Ante: 100

Baxter & Meetal Busted

Billy Baxter
Billy Baxter

We recently learned that two notables were eliminated just before the dinner break. The first was seven-time World Series of Poker bracelet winner Billy Baxter, who met his end at the hands of Mike Parisi. It happened when Baxter held {K-}{9-} against Parisi's {K-}{10-} on a {10-}{9-}{x-} flop. Baxter couldn't improve and his day came to an end.

The other notable to hit the rail was Govert Meetal. In his last hand, he opened for 1,800 with {A-}{K-} and then called a three-bet to 5,200 from Yin Sun, who happened to hold {A-}{A-}. The flop came down {K-}{J-}{10-} and Sun led out for 10,300, prompting Meetal to move all in for a little over 20,000. Sun made the call and Meetal would fail to improve.

Player Chips Progress
Billy Baxter us
Billy Baxter
WSOP 7X Winner
Poker Hall of Famer
Govert Meetal
Govert Meetal

Tags: Govert MeetalBilly BaxterYin SunMike Parisi

Wolf Finds the Right Number

Hasan Habib started the hand by opening for 2,300, the player in the small blind called and Mike Wolf called from the big. The flop fell {4-Spades} {Q-Diamonds} {5-Hearts}, both blinds checked and Habib bet 3,100. The small blind called and Wolf check-raised to 10,100.

Habib got out of the way and the small blind called. The turn came {3-Clubs} and both players checked. The river came {7-Diamonds}, the small bind checked and Wolf bet 5,700.

The small blind called, Wolf tabled {7-Diamonds} and his opponent mucked.

Player Chips Progress
Mike Wolf
Mike Wolf

Tags: Hasan HabibMike Wolf

Jaka Back on the Up

Wandering past Faraz Jaka's table and we noticed his stack was back into the six-figure range. We then watched him add even more chips to that in a hand against one opponent. It started with an early position player opening the pot to 2,300. Folded around to Jaka and he would three-bet to 6,200.

"Be nice to me," Jaka said as he called and the dealer spread out a {2-Spades}{a-Spades}{5-Hearts} flop. At this point Jaka fired out a bet of 6,200. Jaka's opponent only thought for a few moments before letting go of his hand and sending the pot to Jaka. The roller coaster continues.

Player Chips Progress
Faraz Jaka us
Faraz Jaka
WSOP 1X Winner
Jaka Coaching

Tags: Faraz Jaka

Ho Keeps Rolling

It's been a good day for Maria Ho so far. She has slowly increased her chips throughout the day, and she's picking up when she left off after the dinner break.

Ho raised from under the gun to 2,200, and the next player to act quickly three bet to 6,000. It folded back around to Ho, who asked him how much he had behind. When she found out it was about 35,000, she made the call. The flop came down {j-Spades}{a-Clubs}{3-Diamonds}, and she checked to her opponent, who fired out 8,000. Ho came along, and the {7-Diamonds} hit the turn. Both players checked, and the river brought the {8-Spades}. Ho fired out 14,000, and when her opponent called, Ho tabled {a-Hearts}{q-Hearts} for top pair. Her opponent dejectedly flashed {k-}{k-} before mucking his hand.

After that pot, Ho is up to 187,000.

Lynn Gilmartin spoke with Ho during the dinner break:

Player Chips Progress
Maria Ho us
Maria Ho

Tags: Maria Ho

Jaka Wins Some More

Faraz Jaka
Faraz Jaka

A recent walk around the Amazon room brought us over to Faraz Jaka's table where we found him getting involved in a pot. The rest of the table folded around to the cutoff player who raised it up to 2,300. Jaka sat on the button and made the call. The small blind folded, and the big blind paid the toll as well.

The flop came {k-Clubs}{8-Diamonds}{6-Diamonds} and all three players checked. The {j-Clubs} on the turn saw the big blind check, and the cutoff follow suit with a tap of the felt of their own. Jaka was next up to bat and he bet out 3,700. The big blind then raised to 10,600. The cutoff folded and Jaka made the call.

The {10-Diamonds} then landed on the river and the big blind checked. After a few moments Jaka placed a bet of 13,000. The big blind leaned back in his chair, smiled, and gave away his hand. It appears Jaka has had a bit of a reemergence late here on day 2ab, Jaka is now well over the 150,000 mark and looks primed to make day 3, but anything can happen.

Player Chips Progress
Faraz Jaka us
Faraz Jaka
WSOP 1X Winner
Jaka Coaching

Tags: Faraz Jaka

An Orbit with Chip Leader Jason Somerville

Coming back from the dinner break, chip leader Jason Somerville began in the cutoff seat at Table 1 in the Gold Section of the Brasilia Room. He started the orbit with roughly 330,000 in chips and here are the hands.

  • Hand #1: Action folded to Somerville in the cutoff seat and he raised to 2,000, the minimum allotted raise. Laith Salem called from the big blind and the flop came down {A-Diamonds}{K-Clubs}{9-Spades}. After Salem checked, Somerville fired a continuation bet of 2,400. Salem folded and Somerville started off the orbit with a win.
  • Hand #2: Somerville folded from the hijack seat preflop.
  • Hand #3: With his table only having seven players at it, Somerville was now under the gun plus one and raised to 2,500. Salem made the call from the button and the two took the {Q-Hearts}{10-Hearts}{5-Hearts} flop. Somerville checked and Salem bet 3,500. Somerville called.
    The turn was the {8-Hearts} and put a fourth heart on board. Both players checked. They also both checked the {10-Diamonds} that paired the board on the river. Somerville showed the {A-Diamonds}{Q-Clubs} for two pair, but Salem had the {A-Clubs}{7-Hearts} for a flush and won the pot.
  • Hand #4: Somerville folded from under the gun.
  • Hand #5: The player under the gun raised to 2,500 and Somerville called from the big blind to see the {10-Clubs}{6-Clubs}{3-Diamonds} flop. After Somerville checked, his opponent bet 3,100. Somerville check-raised to 10,000 and his opponent.
    "Pretty good flop," said Somerville as he turned up the {A-Clubs}{8-Clubs} and then raked in the pot.
  • Hand #6: Action folded to Somerville in the small blind and he raised to 2,500 to win the pot.
  • Hand #7: Play folded to Somerville on the button in the last hand of the orbit and he min-raised to 2,000. The two blinds folded and Somerville won the pot.

That concludes the orbit with Somerville to kick things off after the dinner break. He went from roughly 330,000 to a little over 340,000 for about a 10,000-chip profit.

But don't worry, there's more coming from Somerville in just a moment as he took a fairly decent pot just a few hands later. Stay tuned!

Player Chips Progress
Jason Somerville us
Jason Somerville
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Jason SomervilleLaith Salem

Boatman Breaks 200k Mark

When we got to the table, we saw that Barny Boatman had limped in from middle position, then raised it to 6,500 after the button made it 2,800. His opponent called, and the flop came {6-Clubs}{9-Diamonds}{5-Clubs}. Boatman fired out 4,000, and his opponent made the call. The turn brought the {a-Diamonds}, and Boatman fired out again, this time for 6,000. That was enough to make his opponent fold, and after stacking up his chips, we saw that he had 202,000.

Player Chips Progress
Barny Boatman
Barny Boatman

Tags: Barny Boatman

More for Somerville

Moments after we spent an orbit with him, Jason Somerville saw a flop of {6-Hearts}{j-Spades}{8-Clubs} with one opponent. The player led out for 3,600, and Somerville raised to 8,500. His opponent called.

Both players checked after the {10-Spades} turned, and the {9-Hearts} completed the board. Somerville's opponent led out for 12,000, and Somerville quickly called.

"You win," the player announced.

Somerville tabled {8-Diamonds}{7-Diamonds} for a jack-high straight, and shipped the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Jason Somerville us
Jason Somerville
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Jason Somerville

Demirdjian Finishes Off Day 1a Chip Leader to Take Over Chip Lead

William John
William John

Earlier in the day, Mark Demirdjian put a big dent in the stack of William John, who began Day 2a as the overwhelming chip leader. Demirdjian recently finished the job by eliminating John here in Level 9.

The exact details of the hand escaped us, but we do know John got the last of his chips in on a flop of {10-}{9-}{6-} holding {A-}{K-}. Unfortunately for him, Demirdjian held {10-}{10-} for a set. The {9-} turn left John drawing dead, while the {3-} river sent him out the door unusually early.

Player Chips Progress
Mark Demirdjian
Mark Demirdjian
William John au
William John

Tags: William JohnMark Demirdjian