2012 World Series of Poker

Event 61: $10,000 No-Limit Hold'em Main Event
Day: 2ab
Event Info

2012 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
1,000,000 / 2,000,000

Demirdjan Still on Top in the Amazon Room

Mark Demirdjian is still sitting behind the largest stack in the Amazon Room. We recently watched him take down another small pot that played out like this. Folded to the player in middle position, he raised it up to 1,600. A player a couple of spaces to his left made the call, along with Demirdjian on the button.

All three players checked the {a-Spades}{10-Spades}{3-Diamonds} flop and it was on to the {9-Spades} turn. This time when it was checked to Demirdjan, he would bet 3,300. The preflop aggressor folded here, while the other player flicked out a call. The {2-Spades} was the card that would complete the board on the river and again Demirdjan's opponent would check. This time Demirdjan tossed out a bet of 6,800 which was enough to secure the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Mark Demirdjian
Mark Demirdjian

Tags: Mark Demirdjian

O'Shaughnessy Binks Again

David O'Shaughnessy had an opponent all in and at risk moments ago. O'Shaughnessy's {10-Diamonds}{10-Clubs} was dominated by his opponent's {k-Hearts}{k-Diamonds}, and the {8-Spades}{j-Spades}{6-Clubs} flop didn't help much. The {7-Diamonds} on the turn gave O'Shaughnessy a gut-shot straight draw however, and the {9-Hearts} spiked on the river, giving him said straight.

The player threw his hands up in disgust, then swiftly exited the Brasilia Room, while O'Shaughnessy now has over 200,000 chips.

"That's the second time I've sucked out," O'Shaughnessy said, grinning.

Player Chips Progress
David O'Shaughnessy
David O'Shaughnessy

Tags: David O'Shaughnessy

Filippi Doesn't Need the Straight

Amnon Filippi
Amnon Filippi

It's been a great level for Amnon Filippi so far. We saw him earlier with no orange T5,000 chips and only a handful of yellow T1,000 chips, but we just caught him winning a hand that has upped his stack to 115,000.

We caught the action on the flop, which read {k-Clubs}{9-Diamonds}{7-Diamonds}. Filippi's opponent bet out 1,700, and Filippi said "That seems like a very fair bet from a very fair player" as he tossed in the call. The turn brought a third diamond, the {10-Diamonds}, and Filippi faced another bet, this time 4,400. Filippi took about 20 seconds to make the call, and the river was the {q-Hearts}. This time, it was checked to Filippi, and he assembled a big bet of 16,400, and stuck it in the middle. This was alittle more then a pot sized bet, and his opponent folded, murmuring something about Filippi having a straight as he mucked his hand.

Filippi said "just for you" as he flung his hand face up into the middle: {a-Diamonds}{j-Diamonds} for the nut flush. Filippi commented "I didn't need the straight!" as he raked in the chips.

Player Chips Progress
Amnon Filippi
Amnon Filippi

Tags: Amnon Filippi

Varkonyi Sinking

Robert Varkonyi, who won the 2002 World Series of Poker Main Event, raised to 2,200 on the button. A player defended from the big blind, and the dealer fanned {7-Spades}{k-Hearts}{8-Clubs}. Varkonyi's opponent check-called a 2,200-chip bet.

The turn was the {2-Diamonds}, and both players checked. The two knuckled again when the {k-Clubs} completed the board, and Varkonyi's opponent tabled {4-Hearts}{4-Clubs}. Varkonyi mucked, and he's now down to 19,000 chips.

Player Chips Progress
Robert Varkonyi
Robert Varkonyi

Tags: Robert Varkonyi

Liu Pushes

With around 25,000 in the pot and a board reading {4-Hearts}{q-Diamonds}{J-Diamonds}{5-Clubs}, two checks put action on JJ Liu, who fired out 15,000. An early-position player made the call, while her other opponent got out of the way, and it was heads-up to the {2-Spades} river.

The early-position player was first to act and lef out for 20,000, but he snap-folded when Liu quickly moved all in for 60,400.

Player Chips Progress
JJ Liu tw
JJ Liu

Tags: JJ Liu

Speidel Spins a Double

Oliver Speidel opened to 1,700 from early position, a player in middle position called, and a third player three-bet to 4,500 on the button. Speidel four-bet jammed for 23,800, the player in middle position folded, and the player on the button called.


The board ran out {4-Hearts}{2-Spades}{7-Diamonds}{6-Clubs}{7-Clubs}, and the 2012 Aussie Millions Main Event champion doubled to 52,000.

Player Chips Progress
Oliver Speidel au
Oliver Speidel

Tags: Oliver Speidel

Paur Loses Hand But Upswing in Count

We caught Taylor Paur paying an older gentleman that slow rolled him on the river. The board was {4-Hearts} {5-Spades} {8-Hearts} {A-Spades} {Q-Spades}, Paur bet 5,600 on the river and his opponent took several long moments before raising to 25,000.

Paur called and the gentleman waited for him to table his hand for rolling over {K-Spades} {2-Spades} for the nut flush.

Player Chips Progress
Taylor Paur
Taylor Paur

Tags: Taylor Paur

Somerville Back in the Lead

When we reached Table 1 in the Brasilia Room, Jason Somerville was heads up with an opponent on a board of {2-Spades}{8-Clubs}{q-Diamonds}{j-Diamonds}. Somerville's opponent check-called a 5,000-chip bet, and the {10-Diamonds} completed the board.

Somerville's opponent checked again, and Somerville fired 8,000. His opponent tank-called, and Somerville turned over {a-Clubs}{k-Hearts} for Broadway.

The player mucked, and Somerville is up to 345,000 chips.

Player Chips Progress
Jason Somerville us
Jason Somerville
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Jason Somerville

Heinz Doesn't Hollywood

Pius Heinz
Pius Heinz

After a preflop raise to 2,200 and a call in front, Pius Heinz three-bet to 6,400 from the button. Action folded back to the original raiser, who put in a four-bet to 19,000. The other player folded, and Heinz immediately flicked his hand into the muck.

"You've been on TV so much you don't need to Hollywood," one of the players said to the reigning champ.

Heinz responded, "I hate when people do that."

Player Chips Progress
Pius Heinz de
Pius Heinz

Tags: Pius Heinz