When we arrived at Table 447, Phil Hellmuth, Brian Hastings and David Bakes Baker were all taking to a flop in a raised pot. Hastings and Baker checked and Hellmuth flicked out a bet. Only Hastings called as a hit the turn. Again Hastings check-called a bet from Hellmuth, the same as he did on the river.
When Hellmuth tabled at showdown, his trip deuces and nut-low was strong enough to scoop up the pot.
When we reached Table 448, the flop read , and Roland Israelashvili had just made it four bets. It was on Michael Chow, who had two bets in front of him. He mucked, and Richard Chiovari, who had three bets in front of him, called.
The turn was another eight - the - and Israelashvili led out. Chiovari called. The completed the board, and Israelashvili moved all in for 11,000, which is less than a big bet. Chiovari quickly called, and Israelashvili tabled for quad eights.
Chiovari showed two black kings, and Israelashvili raked in the pot.
Joe Tehan was much happier after the hand than the photo shows.
Joe Tehan opened to 8,000 and David Bakes Baker made it 12,000 behind him. Phil Hellmuth took a good long time to fold on the button, the blinds released and Tehan called.
The flop came , Tehan checked, Baker bet and Tehan check-raised. Baker called to see the turn. Tehan bet and Baker folded.
When we arrived at Table 477, Brian Hastings and Andrew Brown were deeply involved in hand of Stud 8. It was sixth street when we were at the table and there was already a big pot brewing.
Brown: /
Hastings: /
Brown fired out a bet here and Hastings quickly raised it up. This sent Brown deep into the tank. Eventually he said, "nice hand," and decided to fold.
"Had a pretty sick re-draw too," said Hastings. "I had four hearts and a gutshot as well."
Sean Deeb opened, Mori Eskandani called from the small blind and Steve Zolotow called from the big blind. The flop came , Eskandani bet, Zolotow folded and Deeb called. The turn came , Eskandani bet and Deeb called. The river came and both players checked.
Allen Bari was all in on sixth street with two aces and a flush draw against Bertrand Grospellier's pair of kings. Grospellier made kings and fives on seventh, while Bari bricked, eliminating him from the tournament.
On fourth street, the action checked to Deeb, who bet. Eskandani, Zolotow, and Brunson called. On fifth, Eskandani led out, and only Brunson and Deeb called.
Eskandani led again on sixth, only Brunson called, and on seventh, Eskandani checked. Brunson tossed out a bet, and Eskandani quickly called.
"Two pair," Brunson announced.
Eskandani tabled for aces up, and Brunson mucked his hand.