No Twitter Talk at the Dinner Table
Level 7
Here's a look at some of the Twitter talk from the dinner break:
EugeneKatchalov Eugene Katchalov On dinner break in the Horse tourney. Have about 8700 in chips which is avg w like 450/950 ppl left
June 13 2012
PearlJammed Jon Turner Finally got something going in HORSE by winning big razz pot last hand b4 dinner! 12.2k unfortunately table much tougher now #badplayersbust
June 13 2012
JeffMadsenobv Jeff Madsen Cruising along in the HORSE tourney got 16k on dinner break Allen Cunningham and co-conspirator @basebaldy at the table
June 13 2012
REALJenHarman Jennifer Harman Just got back from dinner. I have 10k in chips. Limits are 400-800. Just want to grind it up. #wsopevent27
June 13 2012