2011 World Series of Poker

Event #58: $10,000 Main Event
Event Info

2011 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
1,200,000 / 2,400,000

Ramdin Loses Huge Pot for Chip Lead

Victor Ramdin - on Day 1d
Victor Ramdin - on Day 1d

Well, we might not see a bigger pot than this over the next hour or so, perhaps not even at all today, but you never know what may happen.

It started with a wet looking flop of {9-Clubs}{7-Hearts}{6-Hearts}, one player bet 5,000, Ramdin made it 15,000 before another player check-raised all in for 41,000 total. The first player then moved all in for 120,000 and Ramdin snap-called faster than a cobra.

Player 1: {9-Hearts}{8-Hearts} for top pair and an open-ended flush draw
Ramdin: {10-Diamonds}{8-Diamonds} for the nut straight
Player 2: {A-Hearts}{3-Hearts} for the nut flush draw

Ramdin had both players covered and if his hand held he would move up to about 375,000 in chips - which would be far and away the chip lead at this point. The turn was the {K-Clubs} but the {4-Hearts} on the river was a card Ramdin didn't want to see.

The second player trebled up to about 140,000 with his nut flush while the other made a slight profit, moving up to 165,000. Ramdin lost more than half his stack but still has move than average with about 75,000 remaining.

Player Chips Progress
Victor Ramdin us
Victor Ramdin

Tags: Victor Ramdin