Hansen's Antics

Level 16
No-Limit Hold'em
Minh Ly raised from middle position to 23,000. Action folded to Gus Hansen in the small blind and he went through some antics before actually acting on his hand.
First, Hansen asked Robert Mizrachi in the big blind how much he had. Mizrachi began to count and Hansen responded, "O.K., that's good enough." Hansen then took two blue T5,000 chips and tossed them to George Lind on his right and asked for change.
He then picked up a water bottle on the chair to his left, asked Mizrachi if it was his or anyone else at the table if it was theirs. Everyone declined and then Hansen took a big swig of it. Then, he three-bet to 62,000. Action folded back to Ly and he also gave it up to allow Hansen to win the pot.