2010 World Series of Poker

Event #57: $10,000 No-Limit Hold'em Championship
Event Info

2010 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
800,000 / 1,600,000

All Aboard the Chiu Chiu Train!

David Chiu
David Chiu

I joined the action with a {5-Hearts}{3-Diamonds}{2-Diamonds} flop lying patiently in the middle, and David Chiu facing an all-in from his neighbor for around 50,000. Whilst receiving a man-ssage, Chiu commenced a dwell which would have made many a man crumble as he counted out his chips and paid his opponent the occasional sideways glance.

Eventually, the tension was interrupted by Chiu's foe who asked, "How long do I have to wait before I can call the clock?" "You can call the clock now," came the response. "OK, I'd like to call the clock."

About 20 seconds into the one-minute warning, Chiu picked up a stack of chips and plonked them onto the felt and flipped {Q-Clubs}{3-Clubs}. His opponent could only muster {A-Hearts}{K-Diamonds}.

"Oh no," she said as the turn came the {Q-Hearts}, "I need a four." But her observations were academic as the river came the {7-Hearts}. "That is sick," she declared in a perhaps disgruntled manner. "That's a sick call."

As his victim left the table, Chiu responded: "Come next year," which induced chuckles mixed in with the odd disapproving noise. "What's wrong with that?" he said to the table, as well as Norman Chad who was lurking. "We're having fun, right?"

Sick call or not, Chiu is back up to a 165,000 after an up and down day.

Tags: David Chiu

Dinner Break

The dinner bell has rung. About 1,450 players will be coming back in 90 minutes to continue their Main Event tourney journeys.

During these last two hours we've seen some of the rich get richer, with Paul Kristofferson, Chris Tipper, Kevin Gates, Jeffrey Ross, and Nicholas Rainey all further solidifying their spots at the top of the counts. There are other notable climbers, too, such as Robert Mizrachi, Scott Clements, and Nikolay Losev. Frank Kassela continues to maintain a big stack, and while Johnny Chan slipped a bit he's still part of that top group.

Meanwhile, Kara Scott, Jennifer Leigh, Roland de Wolfe, Bill Chen, Dan Heimiller, David Ulliott, and Vanessa Rousso all hit the rail during the last two hours. Daniel Negreanu's Main Event ended recently as well. Billy Kopp was knocked out, too, in dramatic fashion when his aces full lost to quad eights. And 2009 WSOP Main Event champ Joe Cada's tourney ended when his {A-Clubs}{Q-Spades} couldn't outrun an opponent's pocket tens.

Following the break, the field will return for two more hours' worth of poker and then Day 3 will be done. See you back here a little after 8:15 p.m. local time when the action resumes.

Play Resumes

Players are back in their seats and Level 12 has resumed. One more hour in this level, then they'll play one hour of Level 13 before calling it a night.

Mistep for Makhija

Amit Makhija
Amit Makhija

Action folded to Amit "amak316" Makhilja who opened to 5,000 from the hijack seat. A short-stacked player promptly splashed his last 17,000 in the middle from the cutoff and the action folded back to Makhija who made the call.

Makhija: {q-Spades}{j-Diamonds}
Shorty: {a-Hearts}{5-Spades}

Makhija found no help from the {4-Hearts}{9-Clubs}{k-Hearts}{4-Diamonds}{k-Clubs} board and slipped to 145,000 chips.

Tags: Amit Makhija

Small Step Back for Walls

Gabriel Walls opened to 4,500 from the button with the big blind defending to see a {5-Clubs}{3-Spades}{4-Diamonds} flop fall.

Walls fired out 6,000, and his opponent check-called to see the {7-Spades} land on the turn.

After another check, Walls fired out 13,000 only to have his opponent check-raise to 35,000.

Walls immediately folded and slipped to 564,000 in chips.

Tags: Gabriel Walls

Katchalov KO'd

Eugene Katchalov now on the rail
Eugene Katchalov now on the rail

Eugene Katchalov found his last 11,300 in the middle with {A-Clubs}{j-Clubs}, but was unfortunately dominated by an opponent's {A-Spades}{K-Diamonds}.

The {10-Hearts}{j-Spades}{3-Diamonds} flop put Katchalov in the lead, but the {k-Clubs} on the turn flipped things round.

The {4-Diamonds} changed little apart from ensuring Katchalov's departure from the Main Event.

Tags: Eugene Katchalov

Corkins Gets Value

On a board of {6-Hearts}{A-Hearts}{7-Spades}{4-Clubs} and a pot of about 25,000, Hoyt Corkins and his opponent on the button both checked. The turn was the {J-Diamonds} and Corkins bet out 15,000. The button went into the tank for a couple of minutes before making the call.

Corkins turned over {7-Clubs}{7-Diamonds} for a flopped set. His opponent simply shook his head and tossed his cards into the muck. Corkins is up to 275,000.

Tags: Hoyt Corkins

Put Up Your Duke

Annie Duke
Annie Duke

The ESPN cameras were huddled around Table 274 so we dropped by to see what was up. When we arrived, there was about 35,000 in the pot and a board of {5-Clubs} {A-Clubs} {9-Hearts} {3-Hearts} {A-Diamonds} out on in the middle of the table. The first player in the pot checked, and Annie Duke had slid out a bet of 12,000 to put the decision right back to him. He was in the tank for several long minutes before frowning and making the call.

Duke tabled {A-Hearts} {J-Hearts} for trips, and she seemed pretty confident that it was the best hand with her opponent's long soak in the tank. It was, and that pot moves Annie up to about 133,000 as she stacks up.

Tags: Annie Duke

Casal Chipping Up Aggressively

Back from the dinner break, one of the larger stacks that we noticed in the Red Section of the Amazon Room belongs to Max Casal. Casal started the day with 245,000 and is up to 565,000 in chips after beating Phil Galfond out of a recent pot. A player opened the pot pre-flop with an early-position raise to 6,000. Casal called that raise, then was the only player to call after Galfond three-bet the button to 20,000. Galfond made a small lead of 13,000 on a flop of {a-Diamonds}{4-Spades}{k-Clubs}. Casal check-called that bet, then got a free showdown after both the {2-Diamonds} turn and {3-Diamonds} river checked through. Casal opened {k-Diamonds}{j-Clubs} for a pair of kings, which was the winning hand.

Tags: Max CasalPhil Galfond

Big Stacks Emerging

Over here in the orange section, a number of big stacks have emerged. We don't quite have anyone to match the stack of Paul Kristoffersson, but we do boast the following:

Michael Chow - 520,000
Frank Jordan - 488,000
Rudy Miller - 465,000
Imari Love - 450,000
Suleiman Abueid - 428,000
Jacob Tyler - 405,000

With one level remaining, these players are running out of time if they want to head into Day 4 with the desired title of overnight chip leader.

Tags: Frank JordanPaul Kristoffersson