2010 World Series of Poker

Event #57: $10,000 No-Limit Hold'em Championship
Event Info

2010 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
800,000 / 1,600,000

Harrington on Avoiding Traps

Dan Harrington raised to 5,200 from middle position, and only the big blind called. The flop fell {k-Spades}{4-Clubs}{3-Clubs}, and the big blind checked. Harrington bet 5,500, and his opponent insta-called. He check, snap-called another 13,000 after the {j-Clubs} on the turn. The river was the {9-Spades}, and the big blind checked a third time. Harrington decided not to give his opponent anything else to call and checked as well. The big blind tabled {a-Clubs}{k-Clubs} for the nuts. Harrington tapped the table and dropped to 53,000.

Tags: Dan Harrington

Antonius Moving On Up

With 36,000 in the pot and a board of {9-Diamonds}{3-Spades}{5-Diamonds}{3-Clubs}, the small blind checked and Patrik Antonius bet 26,000 from the big blind. The small blind called and the two checked the {J-Hearts} on the river.

The small blind showed {10-Diamonds}{6-Diamonds} for a missed flush and Antonius took down the pot with his {A-Clubs}{5-Hearts}. He is now up to 181,000.

Tags: Patrik Antonius

Diamonds Everywhere

In a battle of the blinds, Hoyt Corkins called a raise to 5,000 from the player in the small blind. The flop came all diamonds, {7-Diamonds}{6-Diamonds}{a-Diamonds}. The small blind checked and then called a bet of 6,000 from Corkins.

Both players silently tapped the table to check the {4-Diamonds} turn card. The small blind checked a third time when the river was the fifth diamond on board, {3-Diamonds}. Corkins took down the pot with an uncalled bet of 10,000, then flashed the {2-Diamonds}, drawing a few chuckles from the table.

Tags: Hoyt Corkins

Schoenberg Gavin It Large

There was 23,000 in the pot by the time we arrived to see a {10-Spades}{2-Spades}{4-Hearts} flop on the felt. Gavin Smith bet out 17,800, and Erica Schoenberg went all in for 33,000 total. Smith made the call, and they turned their cards over.

Smith: {a-Spades}{10-Diamonds}
Schoenberg: {a-Hearts}{a-Clubs}

Turn: {9-}

River: {2-}

Schoenberg's aces held up and she doubled to 90,000. Smith was left with 71,000.

Tags: Erica SchoenbergGavin Smith

Flushed Away

Vanessa Rousso on Day 1d
Vanessa Rousso on Day 1d

Vanessa Rousso has been eliminated. We didn't catch the action, but know she got it all in on the turn of a {2-Diamonds}{5-Diamonds}{Q-Hearts}{3-Diamonds} board with {10-Diamonds}{7-Diamonds}.

Her opponent held {Q-Diamonds}{4-Diamonds}, so Rousso was drawing deader than a dodo on the freeway, therefore making the {K-Spades} river academic.

"There was no way she was getting away from that," confirmed her table in unison after Rousso had exited stage left.

Tags: Vanessa Rousso

This One's for You, Sandy

Andrew Brown
Andrew Brown

Action folded to the cutoff seat and he raised to 5,000. Andrew Brown was in the big blind and reraised to 16,000 and said, "I want some of my chips back," as he just lost the last hand to this same player. The player asked Brown how much he started the hand with and then made the call.

The flop came down {J-}{J-}{8-} with two clubs. Brown led for 16,000 and his opponent raised to 41,500. Brown made the call.

The turn brought a {3-} that wasn't a club and both players checked. The river brought the {A-Spades} which didn't complete the flush draw. Brown fired 60,000 and his opponent mucked his hand. Brown tabled {7-}{4-} offsuit for the bluff. His opponent gave him some respect for the play, whereas others may have been upset and irritated at Brown, which was something Brown paid compliment to.

Brown's up to about 270,000 in chips.

Tags: Andrew Brown

Cunningham Chips Up

Allen Cunningham called an opponent's all in holding {A-Spades}{J-Spades} to be in great shape against {A-Clubs}{8-Hearts}.

The board ran out {4-Hearts}{K-Hearts}{6-Spades}{5-Clubs}{K-Spades} to see Cunningham's dominating ace hold up and see the former WSOP Player of the Year chip up to 115,000 just prior to dinner break.

Tags: Allen Cunningham

Boatman Bobs Up

Three players and 8,000 in chips made it to the {7-Clubs}{6-Hearts}{5-Hearts} flop. The player in the big blind position checked, and Barny Boatman bet 5,000. The third player folded and they were heads up to the turn.

The turn came down the {2-Hearts} and the big blind check-called another 10,000 from Boatman. They saw a {9-Diamonds} river and the big blind checked once again. This time the bet from Boatman was a hefty 33,700, and his opponent finally folded.

Boatman moved up to 123,000.

Tags: Barny Boatman