2010 World Series of Poker

Event #57: $10,000 No-Limit Hold'em Championship
Event Info

2010 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
800,000 / 1,600,000

Diamonds For Dunst

Tony Dunst
Tony Dunst

There was a board of {A-Spades} {5-Diamonds} {8-Diamonds} {3-Clubs} {7-Diamonds} spread in the middle of the table when we walked up, and Tony Dunst was betting 44,000 into a pot of about 50,000. He was up against Jason Mann, and Mann called to see what was what. Dunst showed him {A-Diamonds} {J-Diamonds} for the ace-high flush, and that won him a pile of chips to boost his stack to 342,000.

Tags: Tony Dunst

Benyamine Holding Steady

David Benyamine has been holding steady for most of the day. We just saw him take a 20,000-chip pot after he and his opponent both checked the river with the board showing {3-Diamonds}{3-Clubs}{4-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds}{6-Diamonds}. Benyamine showed {A-Spades}{6-Spades}, and that was best as his opponent mucked.

Benyamine is at 205,000 right now.

Tags: David Benyamine

Heimiller Loses with/to AmichaiKK

Daniel "AmichaiKK" Makowsky raised on the button, and Dan Heimiller in the small blind three-bet. Makowsky added another 12,000 on top, and Heimiller raised yet again. Then Makowsky shoved. "Wow, wow. I don't like this one bit," Heimiller said. "But I have to call. We're too far from the money not to call." And it played out just as he expected.

Heimiller: {k-Spades}{k-Clubs}
Makowsky: {a-Clubs}{a-Hearts}

The board came an uninteresting {6-Hearts}{5-Spades}{2-Hearts}{j-Spades}{8-Spades}. Everyone at the table thought Makowsky had him covered, but Heimiller calmly counted out all of his chips. "You just can't stretch it," said one of his tablemates. And indeed, he couldn't. Heimiller's 132,000 all went to Makowsky, putting him up to 305,000. "All that money behind, and you just couldn't get away from it," said the same player. "Nice playing with you." We don't blame Heimiller for not agreeing.

Tags: Dan HeimillerDaniel Makowsky

The Kenney Boys Reunite

While there's a lot of attention on the progress of the Mizrachi brothers in this tournament, another set of brothers has just come to our attention after they have been seated directly next to each other.

Bryn Kenney has been progressing very well in this Main Event but he's just been joined by brother Tyler who has been seated to his direct right.

Bryn has three cashes already in this year's WSOP, including an 8th place in the $25,000 No Limit Hold'em Six-Handed event, and is well on his way to a fourth cash this year as he holds 350,000 chips. Bryn also has several impressive online results to his credit.

Tyler is a little behind with 193,000 chips, but will be keen to add to his two WSOP cashes this year.

Tags: Bryn KenneyTyler Kenney

Level: 12

Blinds: 1,000/2,000

Ante: 300

Board Flush for Gill

Carter Gill opened to 4,100 from the cutoff and found a caller from the small blind.

The flop fell down {9-Clubs}{K-Clubs}{5-Clubs} and Gill's 5,000-chip continuation bet was check-called by his opponent as the {3-Clubs} landed on the turn.

Gill fired out 11,000 and his opponent again check-called as the fifth club - the {Q-Clubs} - landed on the river and both players checked it through.

Gill tabled his {8-Spades}{3-Spades} to play the board, while his opponent also played the board with is {10-Spades}{9-Spades}. Gill is now floating around the 70,000-chip mark.

Tags: Carter Gill

Timoshenko Makes Quads the Fun Way

There was already more than 40,000 in the middle by the time we caught up with Yevgeniy Timoshenko firing 23,500 at a {9-Spades}{8-Spades}{7-Clubs} flop. Darren Maroni thought a bit before moving all in. It barely took Timoshenko a second to make the call, risking his last 127,000. "Nice hand," Timoshenko said when he saw that Maroni had flopped the nut straight with {j-Hearts}{10-Hearts}. His own {k-Hearts}{k-Diamonds} was in rough shape. The {k-Spades} turn gave him boat outs, however. Maroni held his breath, hoping the river wouldn't pair the board. No one was expecting to see the {k-Diamonds}.

"Oh my god! Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me?" was all the poor guy could say. Timoshenko stayed silent about his runner-runner quads, counting out his stack to be doubled. Timoshenko now has 290,000 while a stunned Maroni was left with 25,000.

Tags: Yevgeniy Timoshenko

Corkins Sends One Packing

Hoyt Corkins has been his usual aggressive self so far today. In this last hand he made it 4,000 to go (just before the levels went up) and called a re-raise to 12,100 from the player in the small blind.

The flop was {5-Spades}{8-Diamonds}{10-Hearts} and the small blind check-raised Corkins' bet of 7,000, putting himself all in for 30,400 more. Corkins made the call.

Corkins: {q-Hearts}{q-Spades}
Opponent: {a-Diamonds}{j-Diamonds}

The {j-Clubs} which came on the river gave Corkins something to sweat, but his hand stayed ahead as the river came {3-Diamonds}.

Daniel Negreanu, who is extremely short-stacked was in the button on that hand and said he folded {9-}{q-} and would have played the hand had Corkins not raised preflop.

Tags: Hoyt Corkins

Rousso Doubles

Vanessa Rousso
Vanessa Rousso

The tension increased on the feature table as Vanessa Rousso found herself all in on a {A-}{10-}{9-} two clubs flop, moving over the top of her foe's lead of 8,000. Rousso was as motionless as the Statue of Liberty as she awaited her opponent's decision. When it eventually came, she instantly revealed {K-Clubs}{7-Clubs}, but was surprised to be in the lead against {Q-Diamonds}{J-Spades}.

"Oh my God," she said with her eyes widening. "I'm ahead."

After a {2-Hearts} turn and {A-Hearts} river, Rousso punched the air in delight and yelped "Yes!"

"I'm sorry," she added. "That was exciting."

Rousso's stack has seen more ups and downs than the Cyclone. At time of writing, she's on around 80,000, although something tells me that the Rousso roller coaster still has a loop-the-loop to come.

Tags: Vaness Rousso