2010 World Series of Poker

Event #57: $10,000 No-Limit Hold'em Championship
Event Info

2010 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
800,000 / 1,600,000

Baron Gets Some Help

Isaac Baron called his opponent's all in bet preflop and the two turned over their cards:

Baron: {A-Clubs}{Q-Clubs}
Opponent: {A-Diamonds}{K-Hearts}

Baron was behind but caught help on the {2-Diamonds}{Q-Diamonds}{5-Hearts} flop. His opponent was in trouble but smiled when he hit the {K-Clubs} on the turn. Baron needed to catch a queen on the river and that is just what he did as the {Q-Hearts} fell. Baron eliminated his opponent and is up to 125,000.

Tags: Isaac Baron

Cody Broken

Last hand before the break, and Jake Cody got his last in with pocket tens. Alexander Vecherkovski was holding {a-}{k-}, and once he'd spiked an ace, Cody hit the rail, meaning that the EPT Deauville champion will not be adding a WSOP bracelet to his record this year..

Tags: Jake Cody

Break Time

Johnny Chan
Johnny Chan

Two more hours done? Already? So much has happened.

Kevin Gates came back from the last break and took down a monster pot from Marco Johnson, catapulting him to 550,000 and the chip lead. Ricardo Fasanaro was soon there to challenge him, but lost a big pot to Jean-Robert Bellande which ended with both players being in the 300,000s. Others lately pushing forward to the top of the counts include Frank Kassela (looking for his third WSOP bracelet this summer), Mikhail Shamalov, and Nicholas Rainey.

But the big story emerging here on Day 3 so far has to be two-time WSOP Main Event winner Johnny Chan. Chan added more to his stack over the last couple of hours, and as we take our second break he sits at the top of the counts.

On the flip side, we lost David Sklansky, Gabe Kaplan, Jennifer Harman, Chris Moneymaker, Erik Seidel, David Williams, and Paul Wasicka over the last couple of hours. And Daniel Negreanu had his kings cracked by a player holding ace-king thanks to a river ace, sending Kid Poker down into super-short-stack territory.

Looks like about 1,850 players will be returning from this break with chips. See you back here in 20 minutes and together we'll see how they fare.

Play Resumes

Chips are being riffled, cards are being dealt, and poker is being played. Play has resumed here in Level 11.

They'll play two more hours, stopping in the middle of Level 12 to go for the dinner break. The plan then will be to play two more hours after they return before stopping this evening.

Back in Business

During the break we learned of a hand involving serial WSOP casher (a whopping seven this year alone!) Dan Heimiller. Down to his final 23,600, he moved all in with {Q-Spades}{Q-Hearts} and came up against {A-Hearts}{J-Hearts}, but managed to survive a {4-Diamonds}{6-Spades}{K-Clubs}{7-Hearts}{Q-Clubs} board. He's now on 59,000.

"Back in business," he beamed.

Tags: Dan Heimiller

Baron Loses Some

A player at Isaac Baron's table had put himself all in with Baron coming along for the ride. We're pretty sure that the all-in moment occurred on the flop, which looked like this: {9-Hearts}{6-Spades}{2-Hearts}

Baron: {2-Diamonds}{2-Spades}
Opponent: {q-Diamonds}{q-Hearts}

Baron was looking good, having flopped a set. But when the turn and river came {10-Hearts}{8-Hearts}, Baron's opponent made flush and doubled through the young pro.

Baron is now down to 33,000 chips

Tags: Isaac Baron

Nuanmanee Doubles

Khamsy Nuanmanee
Khamsy Nuanmanee

Jon Kalmar opened to 4,300 from middle position and found one caller before Khamsy Nuanmanee three-bet to 15,000 from the button.

With the action back on Kalmar, he slid in a stack of 5,000-denomination chips amounting to a raise of 100,000 to force the caller caught in the middle to fold before Nuanmanee moved her last 79,200 into the pot.

Kalmar: {A-Hearts}{K-Clubs}
Nuanmanee: {K-Hearts}{K-Diamonds}

The board ran out {J-Diamonds}{5-Clubs}{6-Clubs}{J-Hearts}{9-Diamonds} to see Nuanmanee double through to 175,000 as Kalmar slips to 62,000 in chips.

Tags: Khamsy NuanmaneeJon Kalmar

Negreanu Still Fighting

Down to about 18,500 in chips, Daniel Negreanu opened for 4,600 pre-flop. Two players called: one in position behind Negreanu and one from the blinds. The rest of Negreanu's chips went into the middle after a flop of {9-Spades}{7-Diamonds}{q-Hearts}. Neither of his opponents was willing to take Negreanu on.

"I wouldn't have minded a call," said Negreanu. "Or for someone to ship it before the flop." Neither of those things happened. Negreanu's stack remains stuck in the land of the shorties with about 30,000.

Tags: Daniel Negreanu

Ubierna Climbing

Pablo Ubierna
Pablo Ubierna

A player in middle position raised to 4,000 preflop. Pablo Ubierna called on the button, as did both blinds.

Flop: {3-Hearts}{Q-Spades}{7-Spades}

Everyone checked round to Ubierna who bet out 16,000. Just the preflop raiser called.

Turn: {Q-Hearts}

Ubierna led out for 26,000 and, again, was called.

River: {A-Clubs}

The preflop raiser turned aggressor by betting out 48,000. After a brief pause, Ubierna slid the necessary chips across the felt.

His opponent tapped the table immediately and moved his cards towards the muck. Ubierna tabled {3-Diamonds}{3-Spades}, but demanded to see his opponent's hand, which was revealed to be {6-Hearts}{6-Clubs}.

A chunky pot for Ubierna means he now has 270,000.

Tags: Pablo Ubierna

Baron Bounces Back

As we recently reported, Isaac Baron lost a good chunk of his chips after doubling up an opponent. He didn't take long to get his last 33,000 into the middle. He was in the big blind and raised all in with another player calling.

Baron: {7-Diamonds}{7-Spades}
Opponent: {4-Diamonds}{4-Hearts}

Baron managed to stay ahead through the board as it came out {8-Spades}{10-Diamonds}{2-Clubs}{q-Spades}{2-Spades}, putting Baron up to about 70,000 chips.

Tags: Isaac Baron