2010 World Series of Poker

Event #57: $10,000 No-Limit Hold'em Championship
Event Info

2010 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
800,000 / 1,600,000

Somerville Can't Beat Queens

Jason Somerville raised to 4,000 from middle position and the big blind called. The flop came down {9-Spades}{8-Diamonds}{7-Hearts} and the big blind check-called a bet of 5,700 from Somerville.

The turn brought the {K-Diamonds} and both players checked. The river produced the {5-Clubs} and Somerville fired 10,000 after the big blind checked. The player made the call and his queens were the best hand. Somerville mucked without showing and dropped back to 375,000 in chips.

Tags: Jason Somerville

Goossens Heads Home

We've just received word about a rather remarkable WSOP story involving Belgian player Philip Goossens.

Goossens was an online qualifier who made it safely through to day three with 92,400 chips. The story that has been passed on to us, is that Goossens' package with the online poker site only extended until yesterday, and as such we would have to pay out of his own pocket to change his flights and book further accommodation to extend his stay.

Unfortunately Goossens couldn't afford to do that, so instead of seeking some financial assistance from perhaps some friends, family or fellow players, Goossens insted decided to head home, leaving his dead stack to fend for itself.

At the moment his stack is down to 58,900 and it doesn't look like it's going to survive the day.

Tags: Philip Goossens

Timo Takes One Out

Yevgeniy Timoshenko opened with a raise, and a player behind him moved all in for about 22,000. Action folded back to Timoshenkom, who made the call with {6-Clubs}{6-Spades}. His opponent with {4-Spades}{4-Clubs} was hoping for at least a race, and wasn't happy to see Yev's hand. He was even less pleased with the {10-Hearts}{6-Diamonds}{2-Clubs} flop. The {k-Clubs} turn meant he was drawing dead, and he shook hands with the table on his way out. Timoshenko is back up to 175,000 after slipping a bit.

Tags: Yevgeniy Timoshenko

Kelly Dangerous

J P Kelly on Day 2
J P Kelly on Day 2

PokerStars Team Pro JP Kelly is now officially dangerous after building his stack up to 200,000 in the space of two hands.

The first was a straight double through, Kelly getting his stack in with {Q-}{Q-} on the turn of an {A-}{9-}{6-}{Q-} board before ducking a bullet on the river against {A-}{Q-}.

Soon after, he defended his big blind with {A-}{9-}, leading to a flop of {Q-Spades}{9-Diamonds}{4-Clubs} where he check-called a continuation bet. The turn brought a {3-Clubs}, putting a flush draw out there. Again, Kelly check-called. The river was the {A-Diamonds}, and for the third consecutive time, Kelly check-called, this time a bet of 17,000, before being shown an inferior {A-Clubs}{J-Clubs}.

Tags: JP KellyPokerStars

Chips Floe to Heimiller

Dan Heimiller raised to 4,600 preflop, and next to act, Joe "Floes" Serock called. The flop came out {7-Spades}{6-Spades}{6-Hearts}, and Heimiller quickly checked. Serock followed suit, and they both checked again after the {10-Clubs} turn. Finally Heimiller gave up on checking after the {3-Hearts} river. He bet 8,600, and Serock looked him up. Heimiller flipped over {j-Diamonds}{j-Clubs}, and Serock pushed his cards toward the dealer. Heimiller moved up to 66,000, while Floes finished the hand with 57,000.

Tags: Dan HeimillerJoe Serock

Phillips Can't Find a Fold

We don't know how 40,000 chips wound up in a pot contested between Carter Phillips and one other player. That was the size of the pot as Phillips faced a bet of 12,000 on a board of {2-Diamonds}{6-Diamonds}{k-Diamonds}{7-Clubs}{7-Spades}. Phillips really looked like he wanted to fold but ultimately called. Phillips opponent tabled a pair of kings, {k-Clubs}{j-Diamonds}. Phillips nodded as if he knew he was beat before he put the chips in, flashed a pair of tens in the hole, and mucked.

Losing that pot pushed Phillips' count down to 305,000.

Tags: Carter Phillips

The Super Tank

Players at Joe Cada's table (including the former Main Event champ himself) were involved in a six-way pot that had been raised to 4,300 preflop. The board read {2-Hearts}{8-Diamonds}{6-Diamonds} and action was checked to the player on the button, who raised to 16,200. Players folded to the cutoff who announced he was all in for 39,100.

The player on the button asked for a count and then tanked for about 12 minutes. At this point one of the players called clock. The dealer asked for floor staff to attend the table to administer the countdown, but there were no floor staff in sight. The button had himself another couple of minutes and eventually folded before floor staff arrived.

Tags: Joe Cada

Kopp on Patrol

When we reached his table, Billy "Patrolman35" Kopp was heads up with Roderic Boling and the flop had already fallen {5-Diamonds}{5-Spades}{3-Hearts}. Kopp check-called 6,000 from Boling and the {10-Spades} turned. Kopp check-called 9,000 this time and the {7-Diamonds} rivered. Both players checked.

Boling opened {a-Diamonds}{2-Diamonds} for just ace-high and Kopp tabled {a-Spades}{3-Spades} for a pair of threes.

"This ain't the internet boys," Boling professed. "That's OK, you'll give it back eventually.

Kopp said nothing, rather he just stacked his newfound chips which put him at 175,000.

Tags: Billy KoppRoderic Boling

Devilfish in Trouble

David "Devilfish" Ulliott has been nursing a short stack lately. In a recent hand, he was in the big blind with two limpers in front. He pushed all in for around 14,000 and managed to take down the pot then and there.

He is sittting with about 18,000, which isn't much considering the blinds and antes. He'll have his work cut out for him if he hopes to make a comeback.

Tags: David Ulliott