2010 World Series of Poker

Event #57: $10,000 No-Limit Hold'em Championship
Event Info

2010 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
800,000 / 1,600,000

Helpp, Helpp for Juha

Juha Helppi's opponent checked from the small blind on a board reading {7-Clubs}{5-Clubs}{4-Spades}{6-Clubs}. With 30,000 already in the pot, Helppi quickly slid out a messy stack of orange chips from the big blind. The exact amount was irrelevant. All that mattered was it was more than the 36,000 remaining in his opponent's possession. It took the guy four minutes, but eventually he decided to save his chips for another hand. Successful bullying complete, Helppi moved up to 89,000.

Tags: Juha Helppi

Cada Getting His Chips Back

Joe Cada had a rocky time the last couple of hours, but he is back up to over 100,000 after winning a pot which he kicked off by raising to 3,500 from the cuttoff. He was called by the player on the button as well as the player in the big blind.

The flop came {5-Hearts}{k-Diamonds}{5-Diamonds} and all three players checked through to the {10-Clubs} on the turn. It was then that the big blind bet 6,500 with Cada being the only caller.

Cada and the big blind both checked the {7-Hearts} on the river. The big blind asked if a seven was good, but Cada tabled {8-Hearts}{10-Spades} for a better pair.

Tags: Joe Cada

Basebaldy Pours It On

You wouldn't expect {10-Spades}{6-Diamonds}{3-Clubs} to be an action flop, but a huge pot developed between Eric Baldwin and an opponent on that flop. Baldwin's opponent, in the blinds, led out with a bet. Baldwin raised that bet to 15,300, then was faced with a raise back to 27,500 total. Baldwin eyed the chips that his opponent still had behind, then announced that he was all in. That was the point at which his opponent gave up and folded. Baldwin gave a tiny smirk as he flashed the {2-Diamonds}.

Baldwin started the day with 32,000 chips and now has about 330,000.

Tags: Eric Baldwin

Sheikh Sent Packing

On the turn of a {10-Hearts} {8-Hearts} {4-Hearts} {2-Spades} board, [Removed:163] got his last 23,800 chips into the middle His opponent was Nicolas Babel, and Babel tanked for a long while before finally making the call. It was a good one:

Sheikh: {K-Hearts} {9-Spades}
Babel: {A-Clubs} {Q-Hearts}

Sheikh had a bunch of outs with one card to come, but the {2-Diamonds} river was not one of them; he is out.

Tags: Nicolas Babel

What Johnny Lodden Wins

With the board reading {k-Hearts}{5-Spades}{8-Spades}{6-Diamonds}{j-Spades}, Johnny Lodden bet 32,600 and an opponent in Seat 7 made the call.

Lodden tabled {k-Clubs}{j-Hearts} for two pair and his opponent slammed his cards face-down in the muck, complaining that he had a lower two pair.

The Norwegian genius is now up to 148,000 chips.

Tags: Johnny Lodden

Something Tells Me He's Into Something Good

With the board reading {3-Clubs}{A-Clubs}{3-Hearts}{4-Spades}, Ernst Hermans led out for 14,200. His neighbor and opponent fingered his chips and stroked his handlebar mustache before making the call.

The river was the {J-Spades}, and after a long pause, Hermans fired again, this time to the tune of 23,200. Again, Mr. Handlebar made the call and showed {A-Diamonds}{10-Spades}, but Hermans had him pipped with {A-Hearts}{K-Clubs}. He now has over 200,000.

Tags: Ernst Hermans

The Blind Leading the Blind

Joe Reitman
Joe Reitman

The table folded around to the blind, and both of them had less than ten big blinds apiece. As such, they agreed to just get it in there in the dark. The small blind moved in without looking, and Joe Reitman called dark from the big blind. There was a long pause to wait for the ESPN cameras, but it turns out they weren't interested, and they motioned for the dealer to continue with the hand.

The small blind rolled over his meager {8-Clubs} {2-Hearts}, and Reitman slowly tabled his inferior {7-Clubs} {3-Clubs}, needing to catch a card to stay alive. He caught five of them instead. The dealer spread out {10-Diamonds} {J-Spades} {5-Clubs} {5-Diamonds} {A-Hearts}, and both players play the board. They'll chop it up, both still down under ten bigs now.

Reitman was all smiles after the chips were pulled back. "The sad thing is that's the fourth best hand I've seen so far today," Reitman quipped.

Tags: Joe Reitman

Serafimov Celebrates

Sergey Serafimov opened for 3,500 in early position and the player on the button reraised to 9,500. The player in the small blind flat-called, and it was back on Serafimov, who went all in. The button re-shoved, the small blind folded (he later claimed that he had folded pocket kings) and they were on their backs.

Serafimov: {a-Diamonds}{a-Spades}
Button gentleman: {q-}{q-}

Flop: {10-Hearts}{6-Clubs}{q-Hearts} - uh oh...

Turn: {k-Clubs} - we can only imagine that the guy who folded kings kicked himself, very briefly...

River: wait for it...


... {j-Spades}!

Serafimov rivered a Broadway straight to stay in the game, and he went a bits nuts in the aisle with the shouting and the running around. He was issued with a one round penalty for excessive celebration, but when he returns it will be to a very healthy 160,000 stack.

Tags: Sergey Serafimov

Kalmar Suck, Re-Suck

With around 30,000 in the pot and the flop reading {10-Hearts}{5-Diamonds}{8-Hearts}, we found both Jon Kalmar and Khamsy Nuanmanee checking the action over to their opponent on the button.

After a few moments of deliberation, he moved all in for 22,900 and Kalmar made the call from the small blind as Nuanmanee folded.

Kalmar: {A-Diamonds}{K-Hearts}
Opponent: {J-Diamonds}{10-Diamonds}

The turn of the {k-Diamonds} put Kalmar in the lead, but the {10-Spades} on the river would be the re-suck that Kalmar didn't want to see as he slipped to 133,000 in chips.

Tags: Khamsy NuanmaneeJon Kalmar

Corkins Sniffs Out a Bluff

Daniel Negreanu, Hoyt Corkins and one other player were each part of a raised flop that came down {6-Diamonds}{a-Hearts}{k-Spades}. Action checked on that street and again when the turn fell {3-Diamonds}. At the {7-Spades} river, Corkins made a small bet of 2,000. It folded one player but Negreanu went for a raise to 8,500. Corkins tanked for about a minute, then dropped calling chips into the pot. Negreanu immediately tapped the table, "Good call." Corkins opened {7-Hearts}{8-Diamonds} for a rivered pair of sevens and collected the pot.

Tags: Hoyt CorkinsDaniel Negreanu