2010 World Series of Poker

Event #57: $10,000 No-Limit Hold'em Championship
Event Info

2010 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
800,000 / 1,600,000

Allain Chip Up In Lengthy Pot

Adrien Allain opened to 2,500 from middle position only to have an opponent on his direct left take four minutes before bumping it to 7,200.

The blinds folded, and with the action back on Allain, he quickly tossed in three 5,000-denomination chips amounting to a four-bet of 17,200.

His opponent spent another four - potentially six - minutes in the tank before laying his hand down.

Allain tossed his cards into the muck and collected the pot to climb to 230,000 in chips.

Tags: Adrien Allain

Williams Has Work to Do Now

We walked up to a flop of {J-Hearts} {5-Diamonds} {2-Spades} just in time to see David Williams check-call a bet of 5,000 from his lone opponent. On the {9-Spades} turn, Williams called another 12,000, and the {J-Spades} filled out the board on fifth street. Taking the lead now, Williams shoved all in over the top for effectively the ~27,000 his opponent had in front of him. Snap-call!

Williams tabled {6-Spades} {7-Spades} for the small flush, and his hand was second-best. The other player tabled {J-Clubs} {9-Clubs} for the full house, and Williams has been knocked down to about 11,000.

Tags: David Williams

Cada Losing Stock

There were about 18,000 chips in the middle when we arrived at Joe Cada's table to see him playing heads-up against another player at his table with a board reading {9-Diamonds}{q-Clubs}{k-Clubs}{a-Clubs}{7-Spades}.

Action was on Canada and the thought for some time before betting 8,000. His opponent was quick to call, showing {a-}{q-} for two pair, leading Canada to muck.

Cada has slipped to 65,000 after losing that hand.

Tags: Joe Cada

Lapse In Concentration

There was confusion on Table 339 moments ago as a player threw in a 500 chip to call a 5,500 bet. "Whoa, what are you doing?" interrupted Alex Jacob. "I'd get a floor over here."

"Do you want me to call a floor?" asked the dealer to Evelyn Ng, who was the player responsible for the bet. "Sure," she replied.

Before the floor was called over, said player had already thrown his hand into the muck, but the final ruling was that because he hadn't announced call, he wasn't obliged to match the full bet, but the 500 had to stay. Everyone seemed content with this decision, and we moved onto the next hand.

Amid the confusion, Ng scooped up the pot and now has a stack of 115,000.

Tags: Alex JAcobEvelyn Ng

Level: 11

Blinds: 800/1,600

Ante: 200

The Price of Poker Is Going Up

They've played 10 two-hour levels so far in the 2010 World Series of Poker Main Event. The total number of players remaining has now dipped below 2,000, down to 1,984 as we begin the new level.

A reminder -- the top 747 spots pay, so we're still a good ways away from bubble time.

The next break is due one hour from now.

Every Pot Counts

Hoyt Corkins, seated at the same table as Daniel Negreanu, silently opened a pot to 3,000. He was called by a player two seats behind. The two men checked the action all the way to the river, {j-Spades}{4-Hearts}{4-Spades}{k-Diamonds}{j-Hearts}. That's where Corkins bet roughly the pot, 7,000. His opponent called but couldn't beat a full house, {q-Spades}{j-Diamonds}. Corkins is up to 145,000.

Tags: Hoyt Corkins

Siegel Flying

Eric Siegel raised under the gun to 3,200 and received two callers: UTG+1 and the small blind.

On the {A-Spades}{Q-Spades}{8-Diamonds} flop, the small blind checked, Sigel bet 4,000, UTG+1 called and the small blind moved all in for 32,000. Both players called.

The {2-Hearts} turn and {Q-Hearts} river were subsequently checked down, Siegel taking the pot with {A-}{K-} for two pair, aces and queens. UTG+1 had {K-Spades}{10-Spades}, and the small blind sang his swan song with {8-Spades}{4-Spades}.

Consequently, Siegel is up to 122,000 and in the front-running for "dodge of the day".

Tags: Eric Siegel

Racener Slips

John Racener raised from middle position and got one caller in the small blind. The flop came {K-Hearts}{9-Spades}{7-Spades}. Racener's opponent checked, he bet 4,700, his opponent check-raised to 10,000, and Racener called.

The turn was the {6-Clubs}. Again Racener's opponent checked, and undeterred by the check-raise before Racener bet 18,700. His opponent called.

The river was the {K-Spades}. Racener's opponent bet 16,300 this time, and he made the call. His opponent showed {9-Diamonds}{9-Clubs} for a set, and Racener mucked. He's down to 72,000 now.

Tags: John Racener