2010 World Series of Poker

Event #56: $2,500 No-Limit Hold’em
Day: 4
Event Info

2010 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
120,000 / 240,000

"Nice Hand"

Tomer Berda raised to 350,000 from the button only to have Vladimir Kochelaevskiy reraise to 1.02 million. Berda made the call and the two saw a flop of {J-Hearts}{A-Diamonds}{6-Clubs}.

Both players checked, as they did when the {3-Spades} came on the turn. When the {2-Diamonds} hit the river, Kochelaevskiy gathered chips and pushed forth a bet of 1.435 million. Berda quickly called but mucked when he saw Kochelaevskiy's {A-}{8-}.

"Nice hand," was all Berda could say as he dropped to 2.4 million; meanwhile, Kochelaevskiy is up to 12.2 million.

Tags: Tomer BerdaVladimir Kochelaevskiy

All In and a Call

Vladimir Kochelaevskiy raised to 365,000 from the button and Tomer Berda moved all in. Kochelaevskiy made the call and they turned over their cards:

Kochelaevskiy: {A-Diamonds}{3-Hearts}
Berda: {10-Clubs}{10-Hearts}

Kochelaevskiy was looking to hit an ace and couldn't do so on the {6-Diamonds}{Q-Hearts}{7-Spades} flop. The {5-Clubs} was no help and all Berda needed to do was avoid an ace or four on the river. The dealer burned and put up the {K-Spades}.

Berda doubled to 4.54 million while Kochelaevskiy sits with around 10 million.

Tags: Tomer BerdaVladimir Kochelaevskiy

Berda Wheels in a Gigantic Double

Our new chip leader: Tomer Berda
Our new chip leader: Tomer Berda

Vladimir Kochelaevskiy started the hand with the button and raised to 365,000. Tomer Berda promptly re-raised to 1,160,000 and Kochelaevskiy called.

The flop was all diamonds; {2-Diamonds}{3-Diamonds}{8-Diamonds}. Berda built two massive towers of green T25,000 chips and slid them forward to bet 2,000,000. Kochelaevskiy announced all in and Berda quickly called.

Kochelaevskiy: {q-Diamonds}{8-Hearts}
Berda: {a-Diamonds}{j-Spades}

Berda needed a diamond, ace or jack to take the lead. The {4-Spades} came on the turn which was an interesting card. It didn't change much persay, but it did give Berda a wheel draw.

The {5-Clubs} on the river completed said draw.

"Yessssss!!!!!!!" Kochelaevskiy's rail shouted from the rail, not realizing Berda had made a straight.

After a moment for clarification and chip verification, Merda was shipped a wave up chips making him our new chip leader:

Merda - 10,800,000
Kochelaevskiy - 3,800,000

Tags: Tomer BerdaVladimir Kochelaevskiy

Level: 32

Blinds: 100,000/200,000

Ante: 30,000

Kochelaevskiy Drops More

Vladimir Kochelaevskiy limped from the small blind and Tomer Berda checked his option from the big. The flop came {6-Diamonds}{7-Spades}{J-Diamonds} and Berda checked. Kochelaevskiy bet 325,000 and Berda called. When the {6-Clubs} came on the turn, Berda checked and Kochelaevskiy bet 510,000.

Berda called and then checked in the dark as the {J-Spades} hit the river. Kochelaevskiy checked behind and mucked when Berda showed {7-Hearts}{6-Hearts}. Kochelaevskiy dropped to 3 million after the hand.

Tags: Vladimir KochelaevskiyTomer Berda

Big Pot

Tomer Berda was on the button and raised to 450,000. Vladimir Kochelaevskiy popped it to 1.415 million and Berda made the call to see the {K-Diamonds}{10-Clubs}{9-Diamonds} flop. Kochelaevskiy bet 1.51 million and Berda instantly called.

When the {8-Diamonds} hit the turn, Kochelaevskiy moved all in and Tomer went into the tank for a long time. Eventually he opted to fold and left himself with 4.4 million. Meanwhile, Kochelaevskiy has taken back the chip lead and is over 10 million.

Tags: Tomer BerdaVladimir Kochelaevskiy

Back and Forth

Vladimir Kochelaevskiy was on the button and limped. Tomer Berda raised 400,000 more and Kochelaevskiy made the call. The flop came {7-Clubs}{K-Spades}{J-Clubs} and Berda bet 600,000. Once again, Kochelaevskiy called.

Berda then bet 1 million when the {2-Hearts} came on the river, which caused Kochelaevskiy to fold. Berda is up to 5.9 million while Kochelaevskiy is at 8.8 million.

Tags: Vladimir KochelaevskiyTomer Berda