2010 World Series of Poker

Event #56: $2,500 No-Limit Hold’em
Day: 4
Event Info

2010 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
120,000 / 240,000

Mike Wattel Eliminated in 5th Place ($186,250); Salvatore Bonavena Eliminated in 4th Place ($254,777)

Mike Wattel- 5th Place
Mike Wattel- 5th Place

Mike Wattel moved all in from under the gun for 685,000 and immediately after Salvatore Bonavena pushed all in over the top for 915,000. Bryan Porter also moved all in and pushed out the other players.

Porter: {J-Clubs}{J-Hearts}
Bonavena: {8-Clubs}{8-Hearts}
Wattel: {A-Spades}{J-Diamonds}

The {2-Diamonds}{2-Spades}{5-Clubs} flop kept Porter firmly in the lead. The {6-Hearts} on the turn changed nothing and neither did the {4-Diamonds} on the river. Porter's jacks held and he eliminated two opponents in one hand. Since Bonavena started the hand with more chips than Wattel, he will finish in fourth place while Wattel finishes in fifth.

Tags: Bryan PorterMike WattelSalvatore Bonavena

Level: 30

Blinds: 60,000/120,000

Ante: 15,000

Huge Pot for Kochelaevskiy

Vladimir Kochelaevskiy
Vladimir Kochelaevskiy

Tomer Berda limped with the button and Vladimir Kochelaevskiy checked his option in the big blind before the dealer flopped {7-Clubs}{q-Diamonds}{5-Diamonds}.

Kochelaevskiy checked to Berda who made a hefty bet of 275,000. Kochelaevskiy called.

After the {j-Diamonds} turned the fireworks began. Kochelaevskiy checked to Berda who slid out one stack of green T25,000 chips worth 500,000. Kochelaevskiy returned fire by double fisting 1,320,000 into the middle. Berda paused for a second and then called.

The river was the {10-Hearts} and Kochelaevskiy bet big again - 1,510,000.

Berda tanked for over five minutes, rubbing his eyes and taking small sips of water. He cut out enough chips to call, but went back into the tank.

"Time," Kochelaevskiy requested.

A floorperson began to inform Berda that he had a minute to act, but Berda interrupted him and made the call.

Kochelaevskiy opened {q-Hearts}{j-Clubs} for two pair and Berda mucked his hand.

A massive wave of chips was pushed towards Kochelaevskiy pushing his stack over 9,000,000 chips while Berda slipped to 1,300,000.

Tags: Tomer BerdaVladimir Kochelaevskiy