Ospina's Costly Mistake
We picked up the action on fourth street as the board showed
. Hani Awad was the one doing the betting, and Daniel Ospina made the call to see the river card.
It was the , and Awad fired out with one last bet. Ospina thought it over for a minute, and he eventually decided on the call. The only problem was that he somehow accidentally stacked out 30,000 and slid it foward, 10,000 too much to be a call.
The floor was called over, and he ruled that it was two bets, sending the decision back to Awad. Without missing a beat, he three-bet it, and Ospina sunk in his chair. After a long soak in the tank and many shakes of the head, he made a reluctant call.
Awad tabled
, and his straight was good for the pot. His frustrated opponent shook his head a few more times and placed his cards quietly into the muck.
You can see what a big mistake it was; Ospina is left with just 66,000 now.