2009 World Series of Poker

Event 21 - $3,000 H.O.R.S.E.
Day: 3
Event Info

2009 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Level Info
0 / 0

Level: 23

Blinds: 0/0

Ante: 0

Razz Reaches Few Highs


The Razz round reached very few highs just prior to the break. The most significant pot came on the last hand. Zac Fellows fired on fourth street, Stewart Yancik led on fifth street, before Fellows gained control again on sixth to force a fold from Yancik.

Fellows: (X-X) {A-?}{3-?}{Q-?}{6-?}
Yancik: (X-X) {2-?}{3-?}{8-?}{J-?}

Yancik is now on the short stack with just 190,000 chips.

Eikeng Pretty Much Doubles


Martin Eikeng raised and then Zac Fellows reraised. Eikeng made the call. The flop came down {10-Clubs} {9-Spades} {4-Diamonds} between the two players. Eikeng checked and Fellows fired. Eikeng called. The turn paired the bottom card on board with the {4-Clubs}. Eikeng checked again and then Fellows bet. This time, Eikeng put in a raise. Fellows deliberated and then made the call.

The river brought the {7-Clubs}. The board did not qualify for a low and Eikeng bet out. Fellows thought about it, checking to see that Eikeng only had about 12,000 behind after the bet. He eventually folded, almost doubling Eikeng up to 325,000 on the hand.

Tags: Martin EikengZac Fellows

Limongi Turns Bluff Into Gold


From the big blind, Zac Fellows check-called on all three streets on a board of {3-Diamonds}{K-Diamonds}{8-Hearts}{K-Clubs}{Q-Spades} against the preflop aggressor Michele Limongi.

"I don't think you bluff enough but I'll pay you off..." sighed Fellows before tossing out calling chips.

Limongi showed {Q-Hearts}{9-Diamonds} - a bluff that turned into value on river as he raked in a nice pot.

Tags: Michele LimongiZac Fellows

Once Again Hold'em Hurts Amaral


Back to Hold'em now and Chris Amaral opened with a raise from middle position before James Van Alstyne re-raised from the cutoff. The blinds folded and Amaral made the call.

The flop was {Q-Hearts}{3-Spades}{8-Spades} and Amaral checked, Van Alstyne bet and Amaral called.

The turn was the {3-Diamonds} and both checked to see the {K-Hearts} land on the river. Amaral led out with a bet but Van Alstyne raised. Amaral quickly folded and Van Alstyne collected the pot without showdown.

Tags: Chris AmaralJames Van Alstyne

Some Interested Onlookers

A small but enthusiastic crowd have gathered around the final table area to watch this final table in action. Most are looking forward to one more player busting before we most likely move over to one of the feature tables which provides better seating and viewing for fans.

Some of the interested onlookers include Bill Chen who appears to be chatting with Matt Hawrilenko, Bertrand "ElkY" Grospellier who was checking up on the progress of countryman Gabriel Nassif, while Chris Amaral has a big crew of supporters on the rail which recently included Nick Frangos who finished 30th place in this same event.

Amaral Moving Up

Chris Amaral, having a good time playing
Chris Amaral, having a good time playing

Chris Amaral just checked seventh street to his opponent Zac Fellows with the boards looking as follows.

Amaral: (X-X) {J-Clubs} {10-Hearts} {9-Hearts} {6-Spades} (X)
Fellows: (X-X) {8-Hearts} {7-Spades} {4-Hearts} {3-Spades} (X)

Fellows fired a bet after Amaral's check and Amaral made the call. "Two pair is good." mentioned Fellows. Amaral turned over better than two pair with {J-Spades} {J-Hearts} {5-Diamonds} in the hole for trip jacks. Fellows simply mucked his hand.

Amaral is now up to about 370,000.

Tags: Chris AmaralZac Fellows

Level: 22

Blinds: 0/0

Ante: 0

Amaral Dented By Fellows


Zac Fellows has taken down the first significant pot of this final table. It came during a round of Stud.

Stewart Yancik was the bring-in with James Van Alstyne making the first raise. Zac Fellows and Chris Amaral both made the call. Fellows then took control and fired on all streets with Amaral calling him down.

Van Alstyne: {9-Clubs}{7-Hearts} (fold)
Fellows: {10-Hearts}{10-Spades}{A-Hearts}{5-Diamonds} ({A-Spades}{6-Spades}{K-Clubs})
Amaral: {Q-Diamonds}{K-Spades}{5-Spades}{4-Hearts} (X-X-X)

Two pair, aces and tens, were good for Fellows as Amaral tossed his cards into the air and into the muck, stating that he had made kings up.

Amaral falls to 250,000 with Fellows now in the chip lead with 750,000 chips.

Tags: Chris AmaralZac Fellows

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