2009 World Series of Poker

Event 2 - $40,000 No Limit Hold'em
Day: 1
Event Info

2009 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Level Info
100,000 / 200,000

"Ansky" Cripples Dorfman

With the board reading {A-Clubs} {K-Diamonds} {8-Spades} {Q-Spades} on the turn, Dan "Ansky" Stern and Randy Dorfman got the rest of their chips in the middle. Unfortunately for Dorfman, his {A-Spades} {J-Diamonds} was crushed by Stern's set of kings and he was looking for a ten on the river. Instead, it was the {2-Hearts} and Dorfman was crippled to only 4,400 in chips while Stern is up to 345,000.

Molson Doubles through Rast

J.C. Tran raised to 10,500, then William Molson reraised from the small blind all in for approximately 25,000. Brian Rast then shoved over the top from the big blind, and Tran got out of the way.

Molson showed {8-Clubs}{8-Diamonds}, and Rast {A-Diamonds}{J-Diamonds}. The flop came {J-Hearts}{9-Spades}{7-Clubs}, putting Rast ahead. But the turn was the {8-Hearts}, giving Molson a set of eights. The river was the {3-Hearts}, and Molson survived, doubling up to 60,000. Rast now has 92,000.

Tags: Brian RastWilliam Molson

Matusow Three Bets; Then Folds

Alex Jacob raises to 11,000 from middle position and Mike Matusow three bets to 36,500 from the hijack. Action folds back around to Jacob who announces he is all in.

Matusow sits with his remaining 63,000 in front of him looking very frustrated. He waits a few moments before flicking his cards into the muck.

Alex Jacob has slowly built a nice stack throughout the day and currently sits on 370,000.

Tags: Alex JacobMike Matusow

Use the Force, Luke

Unfortunately, whatever force Luke "IWEARGOGGLES" Staudenmaier was using tonight wasn't sufficient enough. Staudenmaier moved all in for his remaining 80,000 with {6-Clubs} {6-Spades} and got a caller in Lex "RaSZi" Veldhuis, who woke up with {K-Spades} {K-Diamonds}. The board ran out {9-Clubs} {7-Diamonds} {5-Hearts} {9-Spades} {5-Clubs} and Staudenmaier hit the rail with less than twenty minutes of Day 1 play remaining.

Tags: Luke Staudenmaier

Big Call for Suresh

With the board showing {K-Spades}{8-Spades}{7-Clubs}{J-Hearts}{K-Hearts}, Antonio Esfandiari bet 80,500, sending Suresh Doshi into a deep think. Finally he emerged to make the call. "Good hand, sir," said Esfandiari, turning over {5-Diamonds}{5-Clubs}. Doshi indeed had a good hand, though perhaps not as good as one might have expected: {A-Diamonds}{8-Clubs}.

Doshi pushes up to 420,000 on that one, while Esfandiari falls to 235,000.

Nine More Hands

There's a new policy in place at the end of the day here at the WSOP. With ten minutes remaining in the final level, the tournament clock will be stopped and one card will be drawn from a deck to determine the number of hands each table will play before the surviving players bag and tag their chips. This policy, designed to deter stalling, is already in place on other poker tours including the EPT and the LAPT.

Neil "Bad Beat" Channing had the card-drawing honors and pulled a nine from the deck. Ergo, nine more hands will be dealt at each table before we wrap up for the night.

Wilson Knocks Out Gould

Kyle "krisqueen" Wilson raised to 11,000 from middle position and got three callers: Peter Gould (cutoff), Dani Stern (button), and John Duthie (big blind). The flop came {A-Hearts}{8-Diamonds}{5-Hearts}. Duthie checked, Wilson bet 30,000, Gould called, and Stern and Duthie folded.

The turn was the {2-Spades}. Wilson bet 75,000, and after some deliberation Gould pushed all in for 172,700. Wilson called, turning over {8-Clubs}{5-Clubs} for two pair. Gould showed {A-Spades}{J-Clubs} for a pair of aces. The river was the {9-Spades}, and Gould was eliminated.

Wilson now has 595,000.

Tags: Kyle WilsonPeter Gould

ElkY Eliminated

Alec "Traheho" Torelli
Alec "Traheho" Torelli
Scotty Nguyen opens the pot from early position for an 11,000 chip raise. Alec Torelli reraises from the small blind to 130,000 - a bet which has both Bertrand "ElkY" Grospellier in the big blind and Scotty covered.

Grospellier makes the call and Scotty gets out of the way.

ElkY - {10-Clubs} {10-Diamonds}
Torelli - {7-Clubs} {7-Hearts}

The board comes {K-Diamonds} {7-Spades} {2-Diamonds} {Q-Hearts} {5-Clubs} giving Torelli a set and the pot. He eliminates ElkY and climbs to 297,000.

Arieh Doubles Through Wilson

As play winds down, Josh Arieh just doubled through Kyle Wilson.

After a flop of {7-Diamonds}{6-Hearts}{6-Clubs}, Arieh bet 20,000, and Wilson raised enough to put Arieh all in. Arieh called, showing {A-Clubs}{2-Diamonds} for ace-high. Wilson showed {5-Spades}{4-Spades} for an open-ended straight draw. The turn was the {K-Spades} and the river the {2-Clubs}, and Arieh moved back up to 175,000. Wilson slips a bit to 520,000.

Tags: Josh AriehKyle Wilson