2009 World Series of Poker

Event 2 - $40,000 No Limit Hold'em
Day: 1
Event Info

2009 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Level Info
100,000 / 200,000

Lederer Out

Today's lessons have concluded for the Professor, as Howard Lederer has been eliminated.

There are currently 115 players remaining.

Big Call Helps Arieh Double Up

Josh Arieh
Josh Arieh
Down to about 50,000, Josh Arieh opened with a raise to 8,000 from the cutoff and got a caller in the big blind. Both checked the {K-Hearts}{J-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds} flop. The turn was the {2-Clubs}. The BB bet 11,000 and Arieh called.

The river brought the {3-Clubs}, and when Arieh's opponent bet enough to put him all in, he tanked for a couple of minutes before making the call. Arieh's opponent showed {A-Hearts}{5-Hearts} for ace high, meaning Arieh's pair of jacks with {J-Clubs}{4-Hearts} were good enough.

Arieh is back up to 102,000.

Tags: Josh Arieh

Tony G Preys on Lisandro

Dan Shak kicked off the action with a raise to 9,000 from middle position, Tony G called from the cutoff and Jeff Lisandro called from the big blind. Everyone checked the {K-Clubs} {5-Hearts} {3-Diamonds} flop. The turn was the {3-Hearts} and Lisandro led out for 20,000. Shak folded and Tony G called. The {9-Hearts} fell on the river and Lisandro took another shot at the pot, betting 50,000. Tony G immediately pushed out a 200,000 raise and it didn't take long for Lisandro to muck his cards.

With that rather substantial pot, Tony G is up to 330,000 while Lisandro slipped to 95,000.

Tags: Jeff LisandroTony G

Recent Eliminations

Alan Sass just busted Brett Richey, increasing his already big stack to 440,000.

Justin "Boosted J" Smith then pushed all in with pocket sevens and was called by Clark Hamagami who held {A-Spades}{Q-Hearts}. The board came {A-Diamonds}{Q-Clubs}{5-Diamonds}{3-Clubs}{K-Diamonds}, and Smith was eliminated. Hamagami now has 182,000.

Also hitting the rail within the last few minutes was Dan Shak.

Tags: Alan SassDan ShakJustin Smith

Shannon Shorr Eliminated by Emil Patel

Sorry, Shannon
Sorry, Shannon
We caught up to this hand on the river, with a massive pot already brewing. Shannon Shorr checked from the small blind and Emil "whitelime" Patel bet 225,000, setting Shorr all in. After a very long think Shorr tossed in his remaining 55,000 only to have Patel reveal {A-Diamonds} {7-Diamonds} for trip aces. Shorr mucked and hit the rail while Patel's stack swelled to 615,000.

Tags: Emil PatelShannon Shorr

Rouas Out

After a player in the cutoff raised to 19,000, Phillippe Rouas reraised all in with his last 22,000. Then Marco Johnson repopped it from the big blind, forcing the cutoff out of the hand.

Johnson {Q-Hearts}{J-Hearts}
Rouas {7-Diamonds}{7-Spades}

The flop came {8-Diamonds}{J-Diamonds}{5-Hearts}, giving Johnson the lead. The turn was the {4-Clubs} and the river the {10-Hearts}, and Rouas' day was done. Johnson now has 190,000.

Tags: Marco JohnsonPhilippe Rouas

Steve Sung Eliminated

Kyle Wilson raises from under the gun to 8,000 and is called by Steve Sung and Matt Marafioti. The flop comes {J-Diamonds} {4-Clubs} {3-Clubs}. Marafioti leads out for 15,000 and Wilson call. Sung then moves all in for 71,900. Marafioti takes his time before making the call. Wilson gets out of the way.

Marafioti - {A-Clubs} {J-Spades}
Steve Sung - {A-Spades} {K-Spades}

The board fills out {J-Diamonds} {4-Clubs} {3-Clubs} {3-Diamonds} {9-Diamonds} and Sung is eliminated. Matt Marafioti now has 415,000

Tags: Matt MarafiotiSteve Sung

Bruno Fitoussi Takes out David Einhorn

On a flop of {K-Hearts} {J-Hearts} {10-Diamonds} Bruno Fitoussi checked, David Einhorn bet 47,000, Fitoussi raised to 325,000 and Einhorn called all in.

Einhorn {A-Hearts} {6-Hearts}
Fitoussi {A-Diamonds} {Q-Spades}

Fitoussi flopped the nut straight and though Einhorn had outs with his nut flush draw, he couldn't fill it as the {10-Spades} hit the turn and the {K-Clubs} fell on the river. Einhorn hit the rail while Fitoussi was up to 670,000 in chips.

Tags: Bruno FitoussiDavid Einhorn