2009 World Series of Poker

Event 2 - $40,000 No Limit Hold'em
Day: 1
Event Info

2009 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Level Info
100,000 / 200,000

123 Remaining

With about 15 minutes to go before the end of Level 8 and the last break of the evening, there are currently 123 players remaining on 14 tables.

Glantz Dusts off 300,000

On a flop of {6-Spades} {6-Hearts} {4-Hearts} Michael DeMichele bets 13,500 from middle position. Matt Glantz is in the cut-off and raises to 40,000. DeMichele reraises to 95,000 and Glantz four bets it to 150,000. DeMichele smooth calls.

The turn brings the {6-Clubs} and DeMichele checks it over to Glantz who bets 130,000. DeMichele thinks for several minutes before lining up all his chips and moving all in for only an additional 110,000.

Glantz throws his hand away instantly.

Michael DeMichele - 665,000
Matt Glantz - 155,000

Tags: Matthew GlantzMichael DeMichele

Evdakov Out

Nikolay Evdakov, who set the WSOP record last summer by cashing 10 times in a single series, won't be cashing in his first attempt this time around. With a king on board, Evdakov found himself all in with K-8 only to be outkicked by Steve Zolotow's K-10. Evdakov is done, and Zolotow is now up to 315,000.

Tags: Nikolay EvdakovSteve Zolotow

A Slew Of Eliminations

Neil Channing eliminated Dennis Phillips after his pocket tens went down to Channing's pocket kings on a {7-Diamonds} {4-Diamonds} {4-Clubs} flop.

A short stacked Joe Hachem was eliminated by Hasan Habib. Habib is now at 155,000.

Cory Zeidman has also hit the rail.

Jacob Eliminates Lee

Alex Jacob
Alex Jacob
With 25,000 in the middle, Mike Matusow, Doug Lee, and Alex Jacob saw a flop of {6-Diamonds}{J-Spades}{4-Spades}. Matusow bet out 12,000 from the small blind, then Doug Lee raised to 35,000 from the big blind. Jacob then reraised to 175,000 from the cutoff. Matusow folded, and Lee announced he was all in, and Jacob, who had Lee covered, called.

Jacob showed A-J for top pair, while Lee turned over {6-Hearts}{4-Hearts} for bottom two. The turn brought the {A-Clubs}, giving Jacob the better two pair. The river was the {K-Diamonds}, and Lee hit the rail.

Jacob now has 370,000.

Tags: Alex JacobDoug Lee

Turn Card Helps Haxton Bust Pham

Isaac Haxton
Isaac Haxton
Three players, including Isaac Haxton and Kido Pham, built a pot of 6,200 then together saw a flop of {9-Spades}{A-Diamonds}{5-Diamonds}. It checked to Haxton who bet 8,500, Pham raised to 35,000, and the third player folded. Haxton reraised all in, and Pham called with his remaining 65,000.

Haxton showed {A-Clubs}{J-Clubs} for aces, but Pham had him outkicked with {A-Spades}{K-Diamonds}. However, the {J-Spades} on the turn gave the advantage back to Haxton. The river was the {9-Diamonds}, and Pham has been eliminated. Haxton now has 364,000.

Tags: Isaac HaxtonKido Pham

Level: 9

Blinds: 1,500/3,000

Ante: 400