2009 World Series of Poker

Event 2 - $40,000 No Limit Hold'em
Day: 1
Event Info

2009 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Level Info
100,000 / 200,000

Torelli vs. Bloch, Round 2

Alec Torelli and Andy Bloch just clashed in another hand that left everyone's favorite cowboy hat aficionado on a very short stack.

Bloch opened the action with a raise to 5,500 from UTG and Torelli called from the cutoff. The flop came down {J-Diamonds} {10-Clubs} {4-Spades} and Bloch led out for 6,000. Torelli flat-called. Bloch slowed down and checked the {7-Hearts} on the turn, then called a 13,000 bet from Torelli. The river was the {K-Hearts}. Bloch checked again and Torelli made a 25,000 bet. After over five minutes in the tank, Bloch made the call.

Torelli turned up {K-Clubs} {J-Clubs} and Bloch mucked. With that pot, Torelli's stack soared past 270,000 while Bloch was left with only 22,000.

Tags: Alec TorelliAndy Bloch

Sass Takes Most of Hellmuth's Stack

Before the flop, Alan Sass raised to 5,500, Phil Hellmuth reraised to 15,000, and Sass made the call.

The flop came {6-Spades}{5-Spades}{4-Clubs}. Sass led out for 19,400, and Hellmuth called. The turn was the {K-Hearts}. This time Sass checked, Hellmuth bet 35,000, and Sass called.

The river was the {Q-Hearts}. Sass checked, and Hellmuth bet 183,000, more than enough to put Sass all in for his remaining 153,000 chips. Sass thought for about three minutes, then made the call.

"You got it," said Hellmuth. Sass turned over {K-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds} for a pair of kings, and Hellmuth mucked. Sass is now up to 450,000, while the Poker Brat has tumbled all of the way down to 37,000.

Tags: Alan SassPhil Hellmuth

Zolotow Keeps Firing, Takes One from Forrest

Steve Zolotow
Steve Zolotow
Ted Forrest raised to 4,000 from under the gun, then Steve Zolotow reraised to 14,000 from middle position. It folded around to Sandor Demjan who called from the big blind, and Forrest called as well.

The flop came {A-Diamonds}{3-Clubs}{A-Hearts}. It checked to Zolotow who continued with a bet of 18,000. Demjan folded, and Forrest called. The turn was the {J-Diamonds}. Forrest bet 10,000, Zolotow raised to 40,000, and Forrest called.

The river was the {8-Diamonds}. Forrest checked, and Zolotow shoved all in for 63,900. Forrest tanked for a while, then gave it up.

Forrest now has 260,000, while Zolotow has chipped up to 235,000.

Tags: Steve ZolotowTed Forrest

Recent Eliminations

A short stacked Eli Elezra pushed all in for his last 27,000 with {A-?} {3-?} and was called by Lex Veldhuis with {A-?} {8-?} . The better hand held up and Elezra was eliminated.

After action folded around to Gavin Smith on the button, he moved all in and was called by former November Nine member Dennis Phillips. Smith showed {A-?} {Q-?} but was in bad shape against the {A-?} {K-?} of Phillips. Big Slick held up and Smith hit the rail.

Jennifer Harman has also been eliminated.

Tags: Dennis PhilipsEli ElezraGavin SmithJennifer HarmanLex Veldhuis

Here Come Cowboys

We caught up with this one preflop after some back-and-forthing between Russell Rosenbloom and Phillipe Rouas had already built up a pot of 53,000. Rosenbloom next raised 56,000 more, and Rouas reraised all in with his remaining 71,000, and Rosenbloom called.

Rosenbloom {K-Clubs}{K-Hearts}
Rouas {J-Hearts}{J-Spades}

The board came {8-Hearts}{10-Diamonds}{6-Hearts}{A-Clubs}{9-Clubs}, and Rosenbloom pushed up to 200,000. Rouas now has 113,000.

Tags: Phillipe RouasRussell Rosenbloom

The Dragon Takes a Bite Out of Richey

Brett Richey made a button raise to 16,000 and David "The Dragon" Pham made the call. Pham led out for 8,500 on the {10-Clubs} {9-Diamonds} {3-Clubs} flop and Richey called. Both players checked the {Q-Hearts} on the turn, but Pham fired 10,600 on the river when the {7-Clubs} fell. Richey made the call, but mucked at the sight of Pham's {K-Spades} {10-Spades}.

Richey was left with 46,200 after the hand while Pham was up to 235,000.

Tags: Brett RicheyDavid 'The Dragon' Pham