2009 World Series of Poker

Event 2 - $40,000 No Limit Hold'em
Day: 4
Event Info

2009 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Level Info
100,000 / 200,000

Hand #108 - Dani Stern Eliminated in 4th Place ($548,315)

Dani Stern - 4th Place
Dani Stern - 4th Place
Vitaly Lunkin has the button in Seat 9. Dani Stern moves all in for 1,430,000 and Haxton, in the small blind, asks for a count. After a moment's consideration, he makes the call. Greg Raymer, in the big blind, shows the {J-Hearts} {10-Diamonds} before mucking.

Stern {Q-Hearts} {10-Clubs}
Haxton {A-Spades} {K-Hearts}

The flop is {J-Diamonds} {5-Hearts} {2-Spades}, no help for Stern (though Raymer would have flopped top pair). The turn is the {2-Hearts}, the river is the {2-Clubs} and Stern exits in fourth place, shaking hands around the table. He'll take home $548,315 for his efforts.

Haxton is up to 8,180,000 in chips.

Hand #107 - Isaac Haxton Doubles Through Dani Stern

Haxton hits the turn
Haxton hits the turn
Dani Stern has the button in Seat 8. He limps in and Isaac Haxton moves all in for 3,185,000 from the big blind. Stern makes the call, having Haxton covered.

Haxton {K-Clubs} {7-Clubs}
Stern {5-Hearts} {5-Clubs}

The flop gives everyone a nice sweat, coming down {A-Clubs} {6-Spades} {3-Clubs} , Stern's fives still leading, but Haxton with the nut flush draw. He hits it on the turn when the {9-Clubs} lands and quite literally, jumps in the air and pumps his fist as it lands. The river is the {6-Clubs} and Haxton doubles to 6,530,000, while Stern is left with 1,450,000.

Not-So-Vital Vitaly Hand

After the previous hand in which Vitaly Lunkin pushed Greg Raymer out of the hand with that reraise, Raymer commented on the hand's dramatic possibilities.

"I don't think they're gonna show that one," said Raymer, referring to the future ESPN telecast. "Maybe if you had deuce-seven or something."

Hand #105 - Greg Raymer

Isaac Haxton has the button in Seat 4. Greg Raymer calls from the small blind and Dani Stern checks his option.

The flop is {K-Hearts} {9-Clubs} {3-Hearts} and both players check. The turn falls the {3-Spades} and Raymer leads for 200,000. Stern mucks and Raymer wins the pot. He shows the {K-Clubs}.

Hand #103 - Isaac Haxton

Dani Stern has the button in Seat 8. Vitaly Lunkin limps in from the small blind and Isaac Haxton checks from the big blind.

The flop is {10-Diamonds} {4-Diamonds} {3-Diamonds}. Lunkin checks over to Haxton, who bets 320,000. Lunkin gives up his hand and Haxton takes the pot.