2009 World Series of Poker

Event 10 - $2,500 Pot Limit Hold'em/Omaha
Day: 2
Event Info

2009 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Level Info
0 / 0

Raymer Bows Out in 52nd Place

Greg Raymer has really been trying hard to go broke since the day began. The 2004 World Champion is slated to play the $10,000 Mixed Event that started about an hour ago, and it's clearly been on his mind all day.

On one of his earlier all ins, Raymer freely admitted that he was trying to either build a massive stack or make his exit in time for his next event to start. And just recently when the staff announced the dinner plans, Raymer suddenly realized he was about to miss a full hour of play for the break. After the announcement, he told his table that he was on tilt over the news.

A few minutes later, The Champ finally got his wish. Daniel Makowsky put him all in on an Omaha flop showing {Q-?} {3-?} {6-?}. Makowsky held {A-?} {Q-?} {9-?} {5-?} double suited, and Raymer was in the lead with {3-?} {4-?} {5-?} {6-?}. The turn was a safe {10-?}, but when a second {10-?} paired the board, Raymer was counterfeited.

As he stood up and gathered his belongings, Raymer smiled and said, "If I win the 10K, I'll be really happy you hit that on me." With that, he headed out the door for the Brasilia Room to take his seat in Event #12.

Tags: Greg Raymer