As players filed back in, we spotted James Mackey conversing with the Wizard. After taking that hit near the end of the last level, Mackey was no doubt gathering information for casting spells on his tablemates as we start Level 2.
Benjamin Kang made a raise of 1,100 preflop and was called by one player. On a flop of , Kang bet out 2,000 and was called. Kang bet out 3,300 on the turn of the and again his opponent made the call. The river card of the was checked around.
On a flop of , Lyle Berman bet 600, the cutoff raised to 1,600 and Berman called. The turn was the and both players checked. The river was the . Berman bet 2,000 and the cutoff called.
Berman rolled over and dragged the pot, increasing his stack to 29,000.
With still one minute to play in the event before break, the players have already started heading for the doors. This could be considered a sound strategy as, during very large events, the line for the men's restroom will often stretch out the door and down the hall.