2008 World Series of Poker

Event 50 - $10,000 Pot Limit Omaha World Championship
Day: 1
Event Info

2008 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Level Info
50,000 / 100,000

Level: 5

Blinds: 250/500

Ante: 0

A Set and a Flush Draw

Just before break:

Tom Dwan raises it up from early position, making it 1,050 to skate. Both blinds call, and it's three-handed to the flop. It comes out {5-Hearts} {7-Diamonds} {2-Diamonds}. The small blind checks, and the big moves all in. Dwan calls it down, and the small blind ducks out.

Big Blind: {3-Hearts} {4-Hearts} {6-Clubs} {7-Spades}
Dwan: {5-Spades} {5-Diamonds} {J-Diamonds} {K-Spades}

The player next to Dwan sarcastically says, "Just a set and a flush draw, no big deal."

The turn card comes the {4-Diamonds}, making that flush and leaving the at-risk player drawing dead to a seven. The river is the {8-Hearts} though, and Tom Dwan knocks him out and chips himself up to 26,000.

Scaling the Leaderboard in a Hurry

Just before the break, David Williams chipped up in a big way. On a flop of {2-Spades} {J-Diamonds} {4-Clubs}, the small blind bet 3,000. Williams raised to 9,000. The two traded raises back and forth until all the chips were in the middle.

Williams: {K-Spades} {K-Diamonds} {J-Clubs} {4-Diamonds}
Opponent: {A-Diamonds} {A-Clubs} {7-Diamonds} {6-Hearts}

Williams made two pair, jacks and fours against the unimproved aces of his opponent. The turn and river came {7-Spades} {J-Spades}. Williams' full house was the boss hand. It was a big pot that vaulted him near the cihp lead with 82,000 chips.

Chainsaw Still Not Buzzing

Allen "Chainsaw" Kessler keeps misfiring. We caught up with him in a pot with David Singer. The board read {6-Clubs} {10-Hearts} {10-Clubs}. Singer was all in and Kessler had called. Singer made a small full house with a pair of sixes in his hand, while Kessler held {A-Spades} {K-Spades} {J-Diamonds} {10-Diamonds}. Kessler couldn't improve past those trip tens by the river. He doubled Singer up to 20,000.

The Pirate Plunders a Pot

Max Pescatori and another player got all in on the flop, with the cards reading {9-Spades} {8-Diamonds} {3-Spades}. With the betting action complete, the hands were turned over:

Pescatori: {J-Spades} {J-Clubs} {Q-Diamonds} {A-Spades}
Opponent: {5-Spades} {6-Hearts} {8-Clubs} {9-Clubs}

Pescatori was trailing with his overpair, but did have a flush draw to go along with it. The turn helped him out, though. The {3-Diamonds} peeled off, giving him a bigger two pair and vaulting him back into the lead. His opponent was looking for an eight or nine to make a full house, or a seven to fill his straight draw. The river was a seven, but it was the {7-Spades}, giving the Italian Pirate the winning ace-high flush.

Sevens Are Good?

Sometimes all it takes to win in this game is a lowly pair. Jeff Lisandro knows. He called a small all-in bet from an opponent on a flop of {Q-Clubs} {7-Spades} {10-Clubs}. Lisandro held {7-Diamonds} {8-Clubs} {9-Spades} {J-Spades} for a pair of sevens with a wrap straight draw. His opponent tabled {A-Clubs} {K-Spades} {5-Clubs} {4-Hearts} for the nut flush draw and gutterball straight draw.

Both players missed everything when the board came {3-Spades}{3-Hearts}, and Lisandro's lowly pair of sevens took down the pot.

Jesus Nailed

Chris "Jesus" Ferguson got nailed on the turn. He was all in on a flop of {8-Spades} {Q-Clubs} {9-Spades} with two other players. Ferguson tabled the nuts with a flush draw when he showed {J-Spades} {10-Diamonds} {3-Spades} {3-Hearts}. One of his opponents was in there with top set and a bigger flush draw, {K-Spades} {Q-Hearts} {Q-Diamonds} {7-Spades}, a hand that was the EV favorite despite being behind on the flop. The {4-Spades} hit the turn, crucifying Ferguson's hand. The river was a meaningless {K-Hearts}.

Ferguson was eliminated from the tournament.


Clonie Gowen just doubled up to 65,000. She got all in against one opponent on a flop of {Q-Diamonds} {3-Hearts} {10-Hearts}. Gowen showed top set, {Q-Clubs} {Q-Hearts} {7-Diamonds} {5-Diamonds}. Her opponent was drawing very live with {K-Hearts} {J-Diamonds} {J-Hearts} {8-Spades} for a straight draw and a flush draw. The turn and river bricked out; Gowen's top set was boss.

"It's karma paying you back," said Thomas Wahlroos. Apparently, earlier in the tournament, three players at the table, including Wahlroos and Erik Cajelais, were shivering in the frosty air of the Amazon Room. Gowen went to the WSOP Store across the hall from the Amazon Room and bought each of them jackets to wear so they'd stay warm.