2008 World Series of Poker

Event 50 - $10,000 Pot Limit Omaha World Championship
Day: 1
Event Info

2008 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Level Info
50,000 / 100,000

Flopping the Nuts Makes Grinding Easy

Michael "The Grinder" Mizrachi
Michael "The Grinder" Mizrachi
With six limpers into the pot, the big blind raised it up to 9,600. Michael Mizrachi and one of the original limpers come along to the flop.

The dealer spreads {4-Clubs} {8-Clubs} {6-Hearts}. The big blind checks, and The Grinder moves all in for his whole 23,500 stack of chips. The player behind him calls, and the big blind ducks out of the way.

Mizrachi: {4-Diamonds} {5-Clubs} {6-Clubs} {7-Diamonds}
Opponent: {4-Diamonds} {5-Spades} {8-Diamonds} {K-Spades}

Mizrachi flopped the nuts, and he hangs on to more than double up when the turn and river blank off. He has worked his way up to 130,000 chips.

Tags: Michael MizrachiThe Grinder

I Am The Wahlroos

Thomas Wahlroos was eliminated from today's tournament in style. He was all in preflop with {K-Clubs} {Q-Clubs} {Q-Spades} {7-Clubs} and was called by an opponent holding {A-Hearts} {A-Diamonds} {J-Hearts} {7-Diamonds}. The board ran out {10-Hearts} {10-Spades} {8-Hearts} {7-Hearts} {4-Spades}, making a heart flush for Wahlroos' opponent.

After his elimination, Wahlroos stood up and asked the other players at the table if any of them wanted his Full Tilt hooded sweatshirt to combat the chilly environs of the Amazon Room. Chau Giang raised his hand. Wahlroos removed the sweatshirt and handed it to Giang, who quickly shrugged it over his shoulders.

Recent Eliminations

Andy Bloch is out. His naked kings were taken down by Guillaume Patry's {7-Hearts} {6-Spades} {4-Hearts} {3-Clubs} when Patry flopped a flush.

Mel Judah and Tom McEvoy are also out. Judah's trip queens were well behind Stephen Ladowsky's flopped full house. Judah never improved.

Singer's Song Goes On

David Singer put his tournament life on the line after he bet 12,000 on a flop of {J-Diamonds} {5-Spades} {8-Spades}, then called all in after that opponent raised. Singer showed {5-Clubs} {8-Diamonds} {9-Spades} {Q-Spades} for two pair, with a flush draw and a gutshot straight draw. His opponent held {Q-Clubs} {10-Hearts} {9-Hearts} {6-Spades} for a wrap draw. Singer filled up on the turn when the {8-Hearts} hit. After the river blanked {3-Diamonds}, Singer doubled up to 110,000.

Lisandro Helping the Needy

Jeffrey Lisandro
Jeffrey Lisandro
Jeffrey Lisandro has just doubled up an opponent. He held {Q-Clubs} {Q-Spades} {J-Hearts} {10-Clubs} and the at-risk player was sitting on {A-Diamonds} {A-Spades} {K-Hearts} {8-Hearts}. Prior to the flop, Jeffrey had raised to 6,000, and his opponent reraised to 24,000. Lisandro made the smooth call, and the two men went heads up to the flop.

It came out {9-Spades} {K-Spades} {8-Spades}. Lisandro bet out 20,000, and the other player moved all in for a total of 19,000, giving Jeffrey a little rebate. When the cards were exposed, he saw the bad news that he was behind, though still drawing live. The turn and river failed to improve his hand though, coming down {K-Clubs} and {6-Diamonds} respectively.

Lisandro donated to help the short-stacked player, and afterwards found himself in that undesirable spot, sitting with just 18,000 chips. A short time later, Lisandro was the player to double up, courtesy of Rolf Slotboom. Lisandro now has 31,000 chips.

Tags: Jeffrey Lisandro

Double-Up Dwan

Tom Dwan was all in for 15,700 and at risk of being cut down before the flop against a single opponent. He held {Q-Hearts} {J-Diamonds} {7-Diamonds} {5-Hearts} and was in trouble versus the {A-Spades} {A-Hearts} {Q-Clubs} {J-Hearts} of his opponent.

The board ran out lucky for Dwan though. It came out {6-Clubs} {6-Spades} {4-Spades} {K-Hearts} {3-Hearts}, making him the winning straight on the river. With the win, he doubles his way up to 34,000.

Angry Emad

Emad Tahtouh is not a happy camper. On a flop of {K-Diamonds} {10-Diamonds} {5-Spades}, Rino Mathis bet 18,000 after Tahtouh checked. Tahtouh then raised to 48,000, only to see Mathis reraise all in to a total of 66,000. Tahtouh made the call.

Mathis: {K-Clubs} {K-Hearts} {Q-Hearts} {10-Clubs}
Tahtouh: {A-Spades} {A-Diamonds} {6-Diamonds} {3-Spades}

When the cards were turned up, Tahtouh angrily slammed his bag to the floor. He was not a favorite to win the hand, and in fact did not win the hand after the turn and river came {J-Hearts} {4-Clubs}. He slammed his chips into the felt after the river card was dealt.

Mathis now has 150,000 chips.

Level: 10

Blinds: 800/1,600

Ante: 0

Watkinson Eliminated

Lee Watkinson
Lee Watkinson
Guillaume Patry continues his impressive run through the field. His latest knockout victim was Lee Watkinson, who put his stack in the middle with top two pair and a gutshot draw. Patry called with a wrap draw that promptly hit on the turn.

Patry now has 217,000 in chips.

Tags: Lee Watkinson

Evdakov Steals Some of Leif Force's Life Force

Nikolay Evdakov
Nikolay Evdakov
A severly short-stacked Jonas Entin raised all in preflop and was called by Leif Force before Nikolay Evdakov raised the pot. Force called a second time.

Evdakov moved all in on the {Q-Hearts} {4-Clubs} {8-Diamonds} flop for his remaining chips. Since the bet was so small compared to the size of the pot, Force made a no-brainer call. Evdakov showed {A-Hearts} {6-Diamonds} {A-Clubs} {7-Clubs} for a pair of aces with a gutshot straight draw. Entin had two pair, {4-Spades} {2-Diamonds} {A-Diamonds} {8-Clubs}, and Force had missed completely with {K-Diamonds} {J-Diamonds} {7-Spades} {9-Hearts}. The turn {9-Clubs} improved nobody, but the river {A-Spades} give Evdakov the boss hand with three aces.

Evdakov now has 88,000 chips, and Force drops to 74,000. Entin was eliminated on the hand.

Tags: Nikolay Evdakov