2008 World Series of Poker

Event 50 - $10,000 Pot Limit Omaha World Championship
Day: 1
Event Info

2008 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Level Info
50,000 / 100,000

Don't Mess with Arieh

Josh Arieh
Josh Arieh
From the button, Josh Arieh raises it up to 2,500. Terrence Chan is in the big blind, and he reraises it to 7,000. Arieh makes the call in position, and the two men go heads up to the flop.

It comes out {5-Clubs} {4-Clubs} {5-Diamonds}. Chan is first, and he fires out 20,000 chips. Arieh comes along.

The turn brings the {Q-Spades}. This time, both men check.

Fifth street: {3-Hearts}. Chan readies some betting chips, and pushes 35,000 of them forward. Arieh calls and flips over {A-Spades} {A-Hearts} {K-Spades} {10-Clubs}. Chan says, "Nice call," and he open mucks his {7-Diamonds} {8-Clubs} {9-Diamonds} {10-Hearts}.

Josh Arieh rakes in a big pot and increases his chip lead over the field. He now sits on a pedestal at 310,000, while Chan has been knocked back to 25,000.

Tags: Josh AriehTerrance Chan

Roland Lays Down Aces

Mark Roland limped from under the gun, then called a button raise by Kido Pham to 2,500 after both blinds also called. The flop came down {2-Clubs} {3-Hearts} {6-Hearts}. All three players checked to Pham, who bet 6,000. Both of the blinds folded before Roland flashed two aces and folded as well.

After the hand, Tom "durrrr" Dwan seemed impressed. "Wow," he said, then added jokingly, "Can he do that? Doesn't he get a penalty for that? Floor?"

Pham was nonplussed by Roland's laydown. "I'm a favorite after the flop," he explained.

From That, to "No Excessive Celebrations"

One of the televisions near Bule #11 is tuned to ESPN, which is rebroadcasting episodes of last year's Main Event. Hevad Khan was just on the screen, performing his antics for which we now have "the Hevad Khan Rule", aka the "No Excessive Celebration Rule". Mel Judah and Johnny Chan had a good laugh at Khan's expense.

Level: 9

Blinds: 600/1,200

Ante: 0

Down the Stretch They Come

We're in the home stretch of Day 1. Just two levels remain in play tonight. We expect to be significantly under 100 players at the end of the night.

Players currently getting a table massage include Robert Williamson III. The massage therapists working the WSOP charge $2 per minute.

Kravchenko Busto

Alex Kravchenko limed in under the gun, and action passed around to Thayer Rasmussen in the cutoff seat. He raised it up, making it 5,000 to play. Kravchenko called, committing most of his chips to the pot.

The flop came out {5-Diamonds} {J-Spades} {5-Hearts}. Kravchenko moved all in for his remaining 1,800, and Rasmussen made the call.

Kravchenko: {8-Hearts} {9-Hearts} {10-Clubs} {J-Diamonds}
Rasmussen: {A-Clubs} {A-Diamonds} {8-Clubs} {3-Hearts}

The turn card brought help for the at-risk Kravchenko. The {J-Hearts} popped off, giving him trip jacks and a hammer lock on the hand. The re-suckout came right back at him though. Needing a five or an ace to get there, Rasmussen caught the {A-Spades}, winning the pot and knocking Alex Kravchenko out.

Maldito Rio

We caught up with Kido Pham and Tom "durrrr" Dwan involved in a three-way pot on the turn. The board showed {4-Clubs} {J-Diamonds} {10-Hearts} {6-Clubs}. Pham bet 5,000 and was called by the under-the-gun player. Dwan, in late position, raised to 26,000, folding Pham. The under-the-gun player moved all in for just 6,000 more and Dwan called.

Dwan: {J-Clubs}{6-Hearts}{7-Hearts}{9-Hearts}
UTG: {A-Clubs}{A-Diamonds}{K-Clubs}{J-Spades}

Dwan held two pair, jacks and sixes, to the under-the-gun player's aces and nut flush draw. The {A-Spades} hit the river, improving under-the-gun to the best hand with three aces.

Dwan remains alive with 27,500 chips.

Kravchenko Busto

Alex Kravchenko limed in under the gun, and action passed around to Thayer Rasmussen in the cutoff seat. He raised it up, making it 5,000 to play. Kravchenko called, committing most of his chips to the pot.

The flop came out {5-Diamonds} {J-Spades} {5-Hearts}. Kravchenko moved all in for his remaining 1,800, and Rasmussen made the call.

Kravchenko: {8-Hearts} {9-Hearts} {10-Clubs} {J-Diamonds}
Rasmussen: {A-Clubs} {A-Diamonds} {8-Clubs} {3-Hearts}

The turn card brought help for the at-risk Kravchenko. The {J-Hearts} popped off, giving him trip jacks and a hammer lock on the hand. The re-suckout came right back at him though. Needing a five or an ace to get there, Rasmussen caught the {A-Spades}, winning the pot and knocking Alex Kravchenko out.