New Chip Leader - Chris Klodnicki
Chris Klodnicki, who was our short stack not too long ago, has now emerged as chip leader with 372,000. Chris Viox is still very much in the mix though, with 325,000.
Chip Leader - Chris Viox
A heads up pot between Barry Greenstein and Chris Viox just went to seventh street. On the end, the players showed:
Greenstein: (X) (X) (X)
Viox:(X) (X) (X)
Greenstein bet every street through sixth with Viox making the calls the whole way. On seventh street, Greenstein checked and Viox fired. Barry thought for about 5 seconds before tossing his hand into the muck. Chris Viox won the large pot without a showdown and increased his chip stack to about 362,000 while Greenstein slips to roughly 250,000.
The last three hands have been won without a showdown with a bet or raise before 5th street. Barry Greenstein, Mark Tenner, and Brandon Leeds have all taken one down.
With the short stacks eliminated, and the remaining chips spread out fairly well, we should see a decent amount of play from this point forward. However, the limits are still fairly high compared to the stacks, so losing a big pot would leave any one of these players in pretty bad shape.
Brandon Leeds and Mark Tenner just got involved in a big heads up pot that saw at least one bet on every street. By the river, the players showed:
Leeds: (X) (X) (X)
Tenner: (X) (X) (X)
Tenner bet the river and Leeds thought for about 30 seconds before making a reluctant fold. Leeds is now down to about 122,000 chips while Tenner climbs to about 280,000.
Chris Klodnicki just found himself all in against Joseph Michael. A series of bets and raises resulted in the last of Klodnicki's chips in the middle on fifth street. The players showed:
Kloknicki: () ()
Michael: () ()
Sixth street brought a for Michael and paired Klodnicki's . The river brought a for Klodnicki which secured him the win. Michael's river card was never shown and Kloknicki's was good enough to give him the pot. He is now up to 140,000 chips.
Archie "The Greek" Karas Eliminated
After a bring in from Barry Greenstein, Archie Karas raised to 8,000. Brandon Leeds put in a reraise to 16,000. The rest of the table folded and Karas called for his last 3,000.
When all the cards were dealt, Karas' low was no match for the of Leeds.
Archie stood up, shook everyone's hand and wished them good luck as he headed for the payout table. After his impressive finish here today, he'll be $19,478 closer to his goal of $40 million.