2008 World Series of Poker

Event 25 - $10,000 Heads Up No-Limit Hold'em World Championship
Day: 3
Event Info

2008 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Level Info
20,000 / 40,000

Alec Torelli Eliminates Vanessa Selbst; Advances to Finals

Vanessa Selbst eliminated
Vanessa Selbst eliminated
Hand #35 -

Vanessa Selbst has the button. She raises to 40,000. Alec Torelli reraises to 130,000. Selbst makes the call.

On a flop of {J-Spades} {4-Diamonds} {5-Clubs}, Torelli bets 150,000. Selbst, fidgeting with her chips, thinks for 20 seconds before calling.

The turn comes the {10-Diamonds}. Now it's Torelli's turn to be deliberate about his action, taking a solid 30 seconds before betting 350,000. Selbst sits up in her chair, one sandal falling to the floor as she considers what to do. Finally, she moves all in; Torelli quickly calls.

"Sh*t," says Selbst, but she's actually in the lead with {K-Spades} {10-Spades} against Torelli's {K-Clubs} {Q-Spades}. The river puts a dagger through her heart when it falls {9-Hearts} to make a nut straight for Torelli.

This makes the second year in a row that Vanessa Selbst has been eliminated from this event in the semifinals. She earns $108,288 for her performance. Alec Torelli, meanwhile, earns the right to battle Kenny Tran for the championship of this event and a WSOP gold bracelet in the best-two-out-of-three final starting in an hour and a half at 7pm PT.