2008 World Series of Poker

Event 25 - $10,000 Heads Up No-Limit Hold'em World Championship
Day: 3
Event Info

2008 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Level Info
20,000 / 40,000

Hand #91 - Kenny Tran

Kenny Tran has the button. He raises to 110,000. Alec Torelli makes the call.

The flop comes out {5-Hearts} {2-Hearts} {9-Diamonds}. Torelli checks, prompting a bet of 150,000 from Tran. Torelli calls again to see the {10-Diamonds} fall on the turn. Both players check through to the river, which comes {3-Spades}. Now Alec leads out for 300,000. After about thirty seconds, Tran moves all in.

Torelli is stunned and lets out an exasperated sigh. He clearly was not expecting that move from Tran. He's talking to himself now, trying to talk his way through the hand and come to a decision as to whether he should call or fold. He counts down his stack to see where he would be if he folds (about 1.3 million). He takes his sunglasses off, he rubs his eyes with the back of his hand, and says "That's a good bet. I like your chances." After two minutes in the tank, he lays down his hand.

Tags: Alec TorelliKenny Tran

Tran Stacks Torelli; Takes 1-0 Lead in Final

Kenny Tran
Kenny Tran
Hand #93 -

Kenny Tran has the button. He raises to 110,000. Alec Torelli immediately reraises to 350,000. Tran must be pondering how much he likes his hand, considering the likelihood that Torelli will shove any flop. He makes the call.

On the flop of {4-Clubs} {8-Diamonds} {2-Hearts}, Torelli immediately moves all in. Tran quickly calls. The hands are opened:

Torelli: {A-Spades} {J-Hearts}
Tran: {A-Hearts} {4-Diamonds}

The turn is the {7-Spades}. Torelli needs a jack, and a jack only, on the river to win the pot. He doesn't get it, when the river falls {A-Diamonds}. Kenny Tran has won the first leg of this best-of-three final.

Tags: Alec TorelliKenny Tran

Tran v. Torelli II: Unfinished Business

We're all set to start the second leg of this best-of-three finals. Kenny Tran has the advantage with a 1-0 lead. The gold bracelet is that much closer to his wrist.

Blinds have reset to 12,000 and 24,000. Each player once again has 2,560,000 in chips. Cards are in the air.

Level: 61

Blinds: 12,000/24,000

Ante: 0

Hand #2 - Alec Torelli

Kenny Tran has the button. He raises to 72,000. Torelli double-clutches two times before making the call. He then checks the flop of {5-Diamonds} {3-Clubs} {K-Diamonds}. Tran fires off a continuation bet of 85,000, which Torelli calls. The turn comes {6-Clubs}. Both players check to the {5-Spades} river and check again. Torelli shows a pair of nines, for nines and fives, enough to win the pot.

Tags: Alec TorelliKenny Tran