2008 World Series of Poker

Event 25 - $10,000 Heads Up No-Limit Hold'em World Championship
Day: 3
Event Info

2008 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Level Info
20,000 / 40,000

Hand #50 - Kenny Tran

Alec Torelli has the button and limps into the pot. Kenny Tran checks and sees a flop of {J-Hearts} {3-Spades} {A-Clubs}.

Kenny checks to Alec, who tosses 40,000 into the middle; Tran makes a quick call.

Both players check the {10-Spades} on the turn and the river brings the {7-Hearts}.

"Kenny flinches, Alec folds," says tournament emcee Robbie Thompson, as Kenny rakes in the pot.

Tags: Alec TorelliKenny Tran

Hand #51 - Kenny Tran

Kenny Tran has the button. He completes the small blind, and Alec Torelli checks. On a flop of {10-Hearts} {7-Hearts} {K-Clubs}, Torelli check-folds to Tran's 35,000 bet.

Tran has made a prediction that there will be a winner of this first match by the end of the round. There are 24 minutes remaining on the clock. Tournament emcee Robbie Thompson said if that prediction comes true, his new nickname would be 'Sick Prediction Kenny.'

Tags: Alec TorelliKenny Tran

Hand #54 - Kenny Tran

Alec Torelli has the button and limps into the pot. Kenny Tran checks and sees a flop of {K-Diamonds} {4-Diamonds} {3-Hearts}.

Kenny then check-calls a 35,000 bet from Alec and the turn brings the {5-Spades} .

Kenny checks again and Alec fires once more, wagering 85,000. Kenny then grabs a big stack of chips and starts to move them toward the middle, but Alec beats him to the punch and sends his cards sailing into the muck pile.

Tags: Alec TorelliKenny Tran