2008 World Series of Poker

Event 25 - $10,000 Heads Up No-Limit Hold'em World Championship
Day: 3
Event Info

2008 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Level Info
20,000 / 40,000

Hand #39 - Kenny Tran

Kenny Tran has the button. He completes the small blind. Alec Torelli declines his option in the big blind. On a flop of {5-Hearts} {8-Clubs} {Q-Spades}, Torelli checks to Tran, who bets 34,000. Torelli makes a quick call. The turn comes the {2-Hearts}. Torelli checks to Tran a second time; Tran fires again, this time for 75,000. That's enough to fold Torelli and win the pot.

The same female fan again cheered raucously for Tran, prompting Torelli to quip, "How much are you paying her?"

Tags: Alec TorelliKenny Tran

Hand #42 - Kenny Tran

Alec Torelli has the button and makes it 75,000 to go. Kenny Tran makes a quick call and sees a flop of {6-Spades} {A-Spades} {6-Diamonds}.

Kenny checks and Alec raps the table behind.

The turn card is the {8-Spades} and again, both players check.

Fifth street brings the {5-Spades} and Kenny fires a bet of 75,000. Alec folds and Kenny takes down the pot.

It's worth mentioning that one of the Milwaukee's Best Light girls lets out a shriek at the top of her lungs every time Kenny Tran wins a pot. While it hasn't been confirmed, we're guessing that somebody in the crowd paid for her services.

Tags: Alec TorelliKenny Tran

Hand #44 - Alec Torelli

Alec Torelli has the button and limps into the pot. Kenny Tran checks and we see a flop of {A-Hearts} {9-Hearts} {2-Hearts}.

Tran passes the first option to Torelli who fires a 40,000 bullet. Tran makes the call and the {5-Diamonds} falls on the turn.

Once more, Tran checks to Torelli who leads once more, this time for 80,000 and Tran surrenders the hand.

Tags: Alec TorelliKenny Tran

Hand #46 - Kenny Tran

Alec Torelli has the button and limps into the pot. Tran checks and sees a flop of {8-Clubs} {4-Spades} {J-Hearts}.

Tran passes the first option to Torelli who bets 35,000. Tran then check-raises to 110,000 and Torelli makes the call.

The turn card is the {6-Clubs} and both players check.

The {8-Spades} falls on the river and once more, both players knuckle the table opting to go straight to the showdown. Tran tables {J-?} {5-?} which is good for two pair and Torelli mucks.

Tags: Alec TorelliKenny Tran