On a flop of , Sverre Sundbo moved all in and Roy Winston called. Sverre Sundbo flipped over while Winstont abled for a set. The turn was the and the river was the . Sverre Sundbo headed to the rail while Winston increased his stack to 1.05 million.
Dr. Roy Winston is a high-stakes cash game player at Commerce in L.A. and at the Bellagio. His nickname is "The Oracle" because of his vast knowledge of almost anything.
Before the flop McLean's A-K had Madsen's K-J dominated, but the 9-10-J flop put Madsen in the lead and when the board ran out 9-3 McLean was out.
The very short-stacked Miranda moved all-in with 9-10 and was called by Josh Evans with pocket Jacks. The flop was unnecessarily cruel--J-9-10. The 10 on the turn gave both players a full house but when the case Ten didn't hit on the river Miranda was eliminated.
Sylvester Geoghegan is all in preflop for about 135,000 with against Vadim Trincher's . It's almost a certain chop --
But ...
The board comes , and Geoghegan rivers a heart flush to win the pot outright, doubling up to about 275,000 in chips. Trincher drops down to about 850,000.
Al Rapoport doubles up through Kelly Jo McGlothlin. Rapoport had and McGlothlin had Q-Q. The board came , Rapoport paired his king and raked in the chips.
Darrell "Gigabet" Dicken
Darrell "Gigabet" Dicken was eliminated when he was all-in preflop with pocket queens against Jim Kasputis's A-K. Dicken was in good shape until a king spiked on the river for Kasputis and Dicken was eliminated.
Haxton raised to 18,000 and Shepsky moved all-in for his last 77K. Haxton called with pocket Jacks and Shepsky's A-J needed help. The 10-9-9-3-K board didn't supply that help and he was eliminated.