2007 World Series of Poker

Event 55 - $10,000 World Championship No Limit Holdem
Day: 1b
Event Info

2007 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
400,000 / 800,000

Day 1b Eliminations

In case you are tuning in late, here's a list of some of today's eliminations:

Isabelle Mercier
Marc Karam
Kathy Liebert
Scott Fischman
Norm Macdonald
Allyn Jaffrey Shulman
Jennifer Harman
Jeff Lisandro
David Bach
Justin Bonomo
Dan Nassif
David "Chino" Rheem
Raja Kattamuri
Dan Shak
Paul Sexton
Annie Duke
Simon "Aces" Trumper
Howard Lederer
Scott Clements
Robert Cheung
David Williams
Steve Wong
Bob Bright
Jason Holbrook
Sam Farha
Davidson Matthew
Aaron Kanter
Patrick Bruel
Kevin "BeL0WaB0Ve" Saul
Barny Boatman
Sam Grizzle
Mads Wissing Andersen
Mike Wattel
John Juanda
Brett Richey
Vanessa Selbst

Tough Table?

Spare a thought for the players on table eight who have been battling all day with pros Dan Harrington and Bruno Fitoussi. They just had a seat open up and David Singer has occupied it.

There's Something About the Dinner Break

For whatever reason, be it the increase in blinds/antes, the hour of the day, or maybe something to do with dinner, the rate at which players are eliminated after dinner is somewhat remarkable. Last night, in the 60 minutes following dinner break, 100 players were eliminated. Tonight's numbers aren't in just yet, but the echoes of "Seat open!" and "All in and a call!" are becoming increasingly frequent.

A Miracle for David Flusfeleu

Flusfeleu got his chips in the middle with A-K on a flop of K-10-2. This looked good for him... until his opponet turned over pocket deuces. Flusfeleu needed a miracle and he got it -- a ten on the turn and another ten on the river.

He's up to 53,000 after the hand.

Tags: David Flusfeleu

Erik Seidel in Trouble

Erik Seidel has left himself only 3,500 after making a call with {A-Hearts}{Q-Spades} on a flop of {5-Diamonds}{4-Spades}{7-Hearts}. The bet was an all-in from a player with only 2,600 in chips but when the turn and river came {8-Spades}{5-Spades}, Erik's ace high was no match for his opponent's {10-Hearts}{10-Spades}.

Max Pescatori Eliminated

Max Pescatori
Max Pescatori
Max Pescatori moved all in from the big blind after three players had limped into the pot preflop. He was called by a single opponent who turned over A-K; Max showed 10-3 offsuit and with all things considered, wasn't in too bad of shape with two live cards.

Unfortunately for Max, the remaining tens and threes eluded the 9-4-4-6-K board, and he was eliminated from the tournament.

Tags: Max Pescatori